Monday, March 16, 2009

Sam and Cory's Visit

On Saturday, our cousin Sam and her boyfriend Cory came to visit us. They drove from Moscow, Idaho to visit friends in WA and Cory's uncle during their spring break. I was only hoping for a better weather for them, but I am sure they'll find a fun way to spend their break with their engineering minds!

Sean was great with them. He didn't have a single tantrum during their visit and even sang them a few "Happy Birthday" song. The babies did not cry when they first met them and were flashing nice smiles. So, the evening was pretty peaceful and the young people left without an earache.
Thanks for visiting us, Sam and Cory! It was really nice catching up!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good -Bye Toohey

Today we said good-bye to our wonderful black kitty named Toohey. As much as we hated to let him go, with the new baby and his behavioral problem, we had to make a big decision. The clinic he goes to has agreed to take him in and find a better home for him.

Toohey came into our house when we spotted him at Petsmart in Tracy, California. He was only five month old then. He was a skinny and scruffy looking little kitty that craved attention and love. He slept with us on most nights and often was found resting on my head. He is very sweet with softest black fur and the clearest high meowing sound. He was a lap kitty and must always be around people.

After the kids were born, Toohey changed. He acted more depressed and started to poop outside the litter, sometimes on kids' bed and toys. We tried working things out, I dreaded visualizing him in a little cage with sad eyes... But I think in the end, he will be in a happier environment. He needs an owner who can give him what he needs, love and attention.

Thank you Toohey, for coming into our lives. You were one of the cutest kitties I have ever seen, with great personality. Your sister, Grace, will miss you greatly and Sean he will look for you for a while.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Alyson gets bangs

So, it was time to trim Alyson's bangs. I was procrastinating it because I had this vision of poking her eye out with scissors when trying to cut it but had to confront the fear since poor Alyson was starting to look like show dogs. Her eyes intact and with her new look, she's showing off her cute dolly like face.

She's also WALKING! She takes about 3 or 4 steps without falling but in the end she crashes forward or drops her bottom on the floor. Maybe, I should say she's learnt to run before walking. She takes quick steps as she enjoys falling (she thinks it's funny when she falls). She's a tenacious little one because she can be seen practicing her new found skill all day long. She'll be walking in her shoes outside pretty quickly by the rate it's going, just in time for spring! We have to take her to her first shoe shopping one of these days.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Photo Problems Solved

Ok, I must have had those pregnancy moments. I was complaining earlier about the blurriness of the photos and turns out, I had it in the "Slow Sync" mode. So, all the blurry photos were due to my airheadness not the cameras. Now, we can take decent pictures with the little Sony we have. As an example, I will post a photo of Noah fighting Daddy who is putting him the PJ on.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Belated Twins One Year Check Up Results

Noah and Aly had one year well check last Monday.
Here are their stats:

Alyson 24 lbs exactly! 90%, 32 inches long above 97%! (almost 11 kg and 81 cm)

Noah 23 lbs 6 ounces, 50-75%, 32 inches 1/2 long above 97% (10.5 kg and 82 cm)
They are very big babies and they are doing excellent. Not only they caught up but surpassed most of their baby peers same age. We are very proud of them and thanking Daddy's good genes for the healthy growth!

Happy Birthday Sean!

Sean Terrified at Red Robin!
Noah's not sure about this brown mushy thingy.

Alyson likes to paint her face with food.
Happy Birthday Aly!

Happy Birthday Noah!

Sean blowing candles but with a little Sean juice spatted around while attempting...

Happy Birthday To You~

Alex and Ayrie with their share.

Friday was Sean's 3rd birthday. One of this favorite songs is the birthday song and he likes to pretend his play blocks are birthday cake and candles, so it was surreal to him that it is THE DAY for Sean. The celebration started in the afternoon with the party at the daycare with the Lightning McQueen cake and continued on to dinner at Red Robin where they sing birthday song and serve free ice cream. A little boy at the table next door had his birthday dinner as well. Sean was happy, smiling and excited to see the show, however when they came over to sing for him, he was a little freaked out. He was wide-eyed and frozen, but proud to say did not cry! But he refused to eat the ice cream, so I ended up eating it!

We had a combined birthday party for our February born kids on Saturday. We had good friends over and had a good time. I served lunch but it was stress free and easy. I took a day off on Friday so most of the prep work was done the day before. I was able to sit with friends and chat while kids played together. Our Nanny Amy also came with her boyfriend and she was very helpful caring for the babies. You should have seen Sean's face when we sang him Happy Birthday song and brought out a big chocolate cake with three candles on it. It is hard to describe but all I can say is that he was very happy. Noah and Alyson got their own cake as well and did not hesitate to make a mess with it.

I would say that Sean had a really nice birthday this year. Since his 2 year birthday wasn't so eventful since we just had the twins, so I wanted to make it up for him. I can only imagine that for many years to come, we'll have many special fun gatherings for all of our kids. Having four kids, there will be a lot of parties but, that adds more color and tons of happy memories to think back in the future!