Monday, April 13, 2009

Sean and Aly on a swing!

Aly and Sean enjoying some swing time in our backyard!

Daddy's little princess

Aly was a Mommy's little girl but lately, she's been attached to her Daddy, too. Maybe because Daddy can throw her in the air really high, let her do assisted summer salts and mega tickle her with his big hands! She is a stunt girl by nature and she loves all the high action plays which only Daddy can offer at this point. She enjoys giving hugs and kisses to everyone even when she's drooly and just loves being around people. She also enjoys walking everywhere in the house. She's somehow learnt to open the kitchen sliding door and tries to "escape" so that she can climb the stairs (which she has fallen from once). So, we have to keep an eye on her for sure!

Noah and the dishwasher

Noah does this silly dance infront of the dishwasher. He can see his own reflection and does this happy dance!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Cherry Blossoms

Aly enjoying her juice
Kids after the walk
Grace wanted in, too!
Kids and cherry tree

The cherry trees in front of our house is at full bloom and they are as full as ever. I don't remember it being so pretty in the past years and we took pictures with the kids to remember how beautiful they are. Since the day is getting longer and temp warmer, we often go out with the kids on walks these days. The babies love looking around (Aly is scared of flowers by the way) and Sean enjoys spending time out on the stroller with his brother and sister. The neighborhood is starting to celebrate spring with colors as we anticipate the birth of the little spring baby~!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Router Problem Sorted Out? Hopefully Yes

Aly all messy after a meal

At Brandon's BD party

Kimi at 35 weeks!

You must have been wondering why we have not had any new posts to the blog. It's because every time I tried to upload photos, the router crashed. Now that Mike happily ran to Fry's (electronics geek-a-rama-store in Renton) and had gotten a new router yesterday, I should be able to finally post!

I am 36 weeks this week and things are going well. I had an OB appointment today and I am 1 cm dilated and the baby is slightly dropped but not engaged. This is normal for my gestational period. I remember I was in the similar state when I was pregnant with Sean. The baby energetically kicked as Dr. Rogers was pressing the sonogram device.

After the appointment, I called up Mike and we went out to lunch together. See, I stated my Maternity leave today!!! Woohooo!! I will be free in the mornings for the rest of the pregnancy period while Amy watches the bubs! I woke up this morning and finished my book which Mike got me for my birthday. Then, I had a warm long shower not worrying about getting back to my desk in time. To top it all, it's a gorgeous 70s weather today with Mount Rainier shining in the milky blue sky. You can't have a bad day in a day like this!!

The babies are sick with cold and they are all about snots and runny mucus. Sean's been good, but he has his moments. Aly's been walking everywhere, doing turns and laps to the kitchen and back to the living room. Noah's still cruising and taking his own sweet time like Sean did. We are doing pretty well and enjoying the spring!