Saturday, March 29, 2008

Special Moments

Life is a little chaotic when you have a vivacious two-year-old and newborn twins. But I am so grateful to have them in my life.

Sean gave me two kisses on my lips when I was sitting on the bathroom floor trying to teach him about potty. I didn't even have to ask for it. He simply bent over and and gave me kisses. That was so sweet! Who cares about the biggest tantrum of the week he threw an hour earlier?

The twins and I have special moments in the evenings while I feed and burp them. They fall asleep on my chest, their soft fuzzy hair touching my chin. The connection we feel is amazing. They make all the hard work worthwhile.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

2-year-olds say funniest things

Sean's been pretty funny lately. At the dinner table today we were trying to teach him say "grandma". Sean pointed at me and said "Mommy" and then pointed at Mike and said "Daddy" and he proceeded to grandma and said "Baka". It's funny because 'Baka' in Japanese means moron. We laughed so hard until we had tears in our eyes. We say "no, Sean it's graaanma" but with a big grin he repeats "Baka". He thinks he is saying it correctly and pretty proud of it. Well, moron it is. My Mom does not seem to mind (as yet).

Monday, March 24, 2008

Noah, too!

For some reasons, we haven't taken too many pictures of Noah, so we had a little Noah photo session. He's more alert during the day, so we put him on the rocker and shot away. It is way easier than taking Sean's picture as he is always on the go and will not cooperate. Plus, our digi-cam is slow so by the time the camera is ready, Sean's already taken off. Noah did not go anywhere, what a good model! Sean, Daddy, Mommy and Noah went for a walk around the neighborhood in the afternoon. Sean saw a cat and followed him around a bit. It was a very relaxing Sunday for us!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Daddy and Sean went to an Easter egg hunt event at Vasa park near by. Sean did not have any interest in collecting eggs, but was happy to watch other kids diving for the eggs. He has been having problems sleeping again and we are trying our best to comfort him. Having new siblings is tough on the little guy. The twins did great today and spent some time awake being alert. Alyson enjoyed listening to Mommy sing some songs and Noah enjoyed being held. Sean, Daddy and Mommy went to grab some root beer float in a fun burger joint in Issaquah. Sean didn't like the root beer but enjoyed the ice cream. We must try their burger sometime! There were many bikes and classic cars, so Sean had fun looking at them.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Getting Acquainted

Sean and the twins had a good time laying around in the new crib. Mom, Dad and Grandma were showering them with the flash lights from the camera, a major photo opportunity! It was so cute to see them all in their pj's. On 3/13, the twins had their 1 month check up. They were both over 8 lbs and 21 inches long. Dr. Uyeno was surprised to see them so big and commented how he can't tell they are preemies. We are so proud of them! Sean of course is off the chart on height as always and 75% on weight. They don't look like they came out of a 5'4" Mom!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Twins at home

We have newborn twins in the house! It definitely is not the same as having a singleton newborn. What is keeping us from having panic attacks is the fact that we know what to do with a newborn. Dressing Noah with Sean's old clothes gives us the warm fuzzy feeling. Oh and how we enjoy putting a little pink outfit on Alyson. They are tiny. Sean suddenly looks huge with his size 6 diaper. The first few weeks were pretty rough as we had not figured out what to do with the feeding schedule. Mom was not getting enough sleep and with the hormone going haywire, became very weepy! Things are getting better but we are not out of the woods yet!

Sean's a big brother

Sean came and visited Mom and the babies at the hospital on 2/12. We were anxious to see his first reaction and when Daddy showed him the twins, Sean just stared at them. The twins were sleeping and they were all hooked up with tubes and all, so it must have been hard to comprehend what they were. The twins stayed at the nursery for about a week, so it gave Mom a chance to get some rest and heal from the surgery. Initially when the twins came home, it was pretty tough on Sean. His world turned upside down to him. He was very cranky and would not nap or sleep by himself at night. Poor Sean... We felt very sad to see him like that. With a lot of TLC, he is getting better. We love our little guy and now we have much more love in our hearts for the twins, too.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Welcome to the world!

Noah and Alyson were born at 7:30 and 7:32 pm on February 11 2008. It was a surprise birth since we had four more weeks to go before the scheduled c-section. I panicked because the water suddenly broke when I was home alone and I could not get in touch with Mike. So, I ended up making the grand entrance to the birthing center by flashy red ambulance! It was actually my first time to take the ambulance and it was kind of cool!! The nurse held my hands as I was wheeled into the room and said "you are very calm." She did not know that my heart was racing inside! The c-section went really smooth thanks to Dr. Graham who was covering for my regular OB, Dr. Rogers. The babies cried out to my satisfaction and we knew that everything was fine. Welcome to the world Noah and Alyson! We love you!!


Hello family and friends!

We thought it would be a good idea to create a blog where you can know what is going in the Campbell household in a snap! We welcomed our second and third kid on 2/11/08 and the life is ever exciting and needless to say, busy with the capital B. As you know, the babies' names are Noah Robert and Alyson Mika. Rober is the grandpa's name and Mika means beautiful flower in Japanese. We are very excited to have them finally joined the family officially after the long 8 months!