Saturday, August 30, 2008

I did it!

Sean was so proud the other day for making the two cushions stand on the window sills. He ran to me and said "Mommy, I did it!" He was so excited, so I played along and took the picture above. Last Wednesday, he turned 2 and 1/2 years-old. My little boy is growing up so fast. He is talking more and we are very proud of him. He likes making his sister laugh by flashing toys in front of her and jumping. He is so tall, he looks like he's at least three. We love our little boy and so happy to have him in our lives!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Twin's 6 mos check up

Noah and Aly had their 6 month well check yesterday.
Here are the stats:
Noah 19 lbs and 29 inches long
Alyson 18lbs and 3.5 ozs, 27 3/4 inches long

They are above 95% on height and average on weight. The doctor referred to Noah as "The Huge One". Indeed he's huge! Both of them are heavier than when Sean was that age. All three children are very tall and lets hope this trend continues.

Daddy is gone to Korea and will be back tomorrow morning. Mom is getting a hang of things, but it's way better having Daddy home! Today, our friend and her daughter is going to come by in the morning for some play time. We are all trying to keep ourselves busy during the day so everyone won't get bored.

The weather has been very strange these days and it's actually feels very cool. Sean's still got runny nose but we think it's because of teething. Who knows! We are trying to keep the kids warm we'll have to find some warm long-sleeve onesies to keep them cozy.

All is well up here in the Campbell land.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Visiting Grandpa

Last weekend, we went to Lewiston to see Grandpa Bob, Shasha and Grandma Marie. The kids are getting used to travelling long distance in a car and that is exactly what we want.  We all had a good time at their house. Sean and the babies got a lot of attention and were very content. We were pretty tired when we came home and Sean got a fever that night. He's been recovering ever since and who knows what he had. The babies are fine though, so it could be part of teething. I am scatter-brained right now so I will cut this short this time! Thanks to Bob, Shasha and Grandma Marie for a fun visit!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sean Teething

A molar on the left side is trying to come through in Sean's mouth. Poor Sean is trying to cope with the pain, but he is very cranky. He's been a good sport though. When I take him outside, he forgets about the pain and plays as usual.
Noah has a runny nose but otherwise very happy and well. He's found his voice and uses it well to get Mommy's attention. The twins are not acting like little infants anymore. They can demand attention by shouting, calling and smiling. Alyson and Sean are good comedians together. They make each other laugh and it is so neat to see a bro and sis interacting with one another already. Noah also loves his brother. He smiles whenever Sean passes by. Sean does get jealous occasionally, but he is turning out to be an awesome big brother. He shakes the rattle in front of the babies to entertain them and gives them a big hug and kisses. After Sean had given Alyson a big kiss, their faces were so wet from each other's slobber.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Who loves sweet potatoes?

Well, that would be Aly and Noah. They opened their mouth very big and leaned forward to get the yummy bite. Alyson's animal instinct came out and as if the Mom bird came back to feed her after a few days of hunting. You can see the carnage afterwards on her face and clothes. You just have to laugh at what little babies do for living.

Pacific Science Center

We heard that there is a bubble show at the Pacific Science Center, so we loaded the kids into the van and off we went. The center is right by the famous Space Needle and there were big crowds of tourists gathered around the area. We got there a little late, but were able to catch a little bit of the show. A little girl was standing in the middle of the stage and the bubble master created a large bubble around her. Sean was amazed by that. The center is big and loaded with displays and hands on activities. Sean spent most of the time at the tot's play area, but also visited the dinosaur display. Daddy says he was just wide-eyed and could not believe what he was seeing. He also had a blast outside with the water fountain that shoots up when you press a button. He was so excited that he screamed every time the water shot up like a geyser. He was so happy, he came right to Mommy and smiled very big at the camera as you can see above.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Big Brother, Sean

In this clip, you can see Sean trying to feed Noah. We want to show this clip at Noah or Sean's wedding reception someday!

Friend's Birthday Party

Sean, Noah, Alyson and Mommy went to celebrate our friend's daughter, Ameli's, second birthday on Thursday in Everett. They had a picnic party at a big park in a city we've never been to. It was a little excursion trip for all of us and we had a good time driving up north. Ameli looked so cute in a little floral sundress and she was running around everywhere visiting different people. Sean was a little shy at first but he warmed up thanks to the wonder of chocolate cupcakes. While I was not watching, Sean had about three cupcakes and was covered with chocolate. Needless to say, he was pretty energetic afterwards and had a nice present for Mommy in his diaper the next day. Alyson was a little scared of the new place and people, but Noah was happy to hang in the stroller looking at trees and smiling at people. We had a good time visiting our friends and their friends and family. Mommy is finally getting used to taking all three kids out and about by herself and that itself is something to celebrate!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pea Faces

Noah and Alyson tried sweet peas for the very first time yesterday. Alyson is a pro and she opens her mouth and swallows it very well. Noah is learning to eat with spoon and he's making a good progress. Both of them liked the mushed green and flashed lots of smiles with green mustache! Sean has been a little rascal, bothering babies for no reasons and throwing at least three ear-destroying tantrums. He's just basically being a two-year-old. At least he naps and sleeps well at night!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Blue Angels

Sean and Mommy went to a local park to see the navy's Blue Angels' air show. We waited for nearly an hour for the show to start but Sean enjoyed looking at the water and playing at the playground. Just as we were getting tired of waiting, we heard the big roar and there they were! Shooting up in to the clouds, impossibly fast Blue Angels! Once in the clouds, we could not guess where they will reappear. They were so fast, their zooming sound followed about three seconds behind. Sean looked like he didn't know what to think. But he said in Japanese, "airplane going in circles!" so I think he was getting it. When the kids are a little bigger, it would be fun to go to the actual Sea Fair as a family. The boys will go wild looking at the boats and planes. We just love Seattle in summer!

Last Day at Daycare

Thursday was Sean's last day at the daycare. He didn't understand that he won't be able to see all his friends and caregivers anymore but he had a wonderful time. The caregiver had thrown a party for him and he ate lots of cakes and played with his friends. He really had a good time while he was under their care. They loved him lots and he bonded with them like they are his own family. It was sad to think that he can no longer see them everyday but now the fun time with his brother, sister and Mommy at home begins! Friday was wonderful as the twins slept really well and Sean and I were able to play outside quite a bit. We had to take him in to the doc though since he was so restless the night before and we suspected ear infection. He was fine though. We figured he was so high on sugar, he could not sleep (he was running around in circles at 11:30 pm and screamed tons when we put him in his crib).