Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Twin's 6 mos check up

Noah and Aly had their 6 month well check yesterday.
Here are the stats:
Noah 19 lbs and 29 inches long
Alyson 18lbs and 3.5 ozs, 27 3/4 inches long

They are above 95% on height and average on weight. The doctor referred to Noah as "The Huge One". Indeed he's huge! Both of them are heavier than when Sean was that age. All three children are very tall and lets hope this trend continues.

Daddy is gone to Korea and will be back tomorrow morning. Mom is getting a hang of things, but it's way better having Daddy home! Today, our friend and her daughter is going to come by in the morning for some play time. We are all trying to keep ourselves busy during the day so everyone won't get bored.

The weather has been very strange these days and it's actually feels very cool. Sean's still got runny nose but we think it's because of teething. Who knows! We are trying to keep the kids warm we'll have to find some warm long-sleeve onesies to keep them cozy.

All is well up here in the Campbell land.

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