Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Kids

This morning, we all went to a pumpkin patch in Kirkland. We've always gone to the one in Fall City/Carnation, but decided to try a new place this year. There were alpacas and goats and Sean enjoyed feeding them by hand. Aly and Noah stayed in the stroller, half drowsy since it was near their nap time. It was a sunny and gorgeous day but the wind was a little chilly. After feeding the animals, Sean just ran and took off to the pumpkin field. He was so excited to be able to ran in a big open space. He ran so far that he was about the size of the pumpkins laying around. Once Daddy went and retrieved him, we looked for the pumpkin to adopt. He could not decide which one, so Mommy picked one for him. All in all we had a good time at the new pumpkin patch. Perhaps we'll return again next year since it's closer.

Daddy carved the Mr. Pumpkin in the garage. We did it without Sean since it involved knife and didn't want Sean to insist on swinging around a weapon. It turns out, Sean is scared of Mr. Pumpkin. He wouldn't even let Mommy touch it. We made sure Mr. Pumpkin has a friendly face, but still it was too different for Sean. He's still two after all!
Maybe next year, Aly and Noah will be running around in the pumpkin patch. Granted, I bet they will run towards different directions. Our lives will be so much fun as the kids get older.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Twins Sitting Up

Alyson and Noah can now sit side by side, giggling, bothering and stealing each other's socks. It's so funny to see them interact. They know they belong to each other and they feel very comfortable being so close. That is an unique sentiment between twins, which we are so fortunate to be a part of. Alyson can entertain herself by sitting up all by herself playing with toys for a long time. Noah sometimes still loses balance, but getting so much better.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today, Grandma turns 70!! Happy Birthday, Grandma! She's still young looking and very very active that this old Mommy here cannot keep up with her. Wishing you a good health and happiness, Grandma! Sorry for the late birthday card (as always)!

Daddy's gone to Hong Kong since Sunday. The Campbell household is in order, however things can be very stressful at night. Sean woke up frequently last night just screaming and he won't tell me what he wanted. Perhaps he was warm, but he kept hitting his face. Maybe his teeth... It's no fun playing the guessing game with a screaming toddler at 2 am when you have to get up at 4:50 am. Luckily, our wonderful nanny comes in at 8:30 am and I got a permission to work half day everyday this week, so I get off at 9 am. We cannot wait for Daddy to come home. We are all in the war zone with time and one's patience and physical endurance. He is coming back on Saturday morning. Four more days to go...
Alyson is sitting up very well now and she can play with toys with better control and view. Noah is also sitting up better but he occasionally leans back and falls. He should sit up nicely in a couple of weeks or so. Alyson's personality is coming through very strongly now. Whenever she throws or drops a toy she was playing with and she cannot reach it anymore, she gets very frustrated! Oh boy, watch out! She's another fierily one!! Noah's just so happy to be Noah. His cutest moment is when he falls a sleep smiling. He also gets tickled when I kiss him on his cheeks.

Hopefully tonight goes better than last night! Hopefully Daddy is having a good time over in Hong Kong!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Children

Alyson started to grow two bottom teeth. She was a little fussy but has been a trooper and coping very well. Both of them came out at the same time and they look fancy in her little mouth. She is having a little sore bottom so the diaper change can be a battle. Poor Aly.

Noah has been having runny nose and problems breathing at times. He doesn't like having his nose cleaned, well who doesn't!? He's been pretty happy though despite his sickness. He smiles all day long from the moment he wakes up in the morning. What an adorable little boy.

Sean started his daycare today. He cried a lot at first, but soon started to enjoy himself with his old buddies. He ate his lunch fine but didn't nap. Maybe he'll be able to nap from tomorrow. We opted the daycare option instead of staying home with the twins because we wanted him enjoy playing with his friends and participate in different activities. We think it will be good for him even though he may feel sad at first.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nana's Visit

It was really nice to see Nana. Sean enjoyed the time with her and he asked for her after she left. Daddy and Mommy had a good time visiting with her. She's lost a lot of weight and looked great. She says she is going to lose more and we are very proud of her. Looking forward to her next visit!

We went to the Children's Museum on Sunday, Daddy and Nana went to the Redhook Brewery on Monday and became very naughty and we relaxed on Tuesday. It's always fun to have her around and thanks so much for coming, Nana!

Aly, the basket baby

We didn't notice it for a little while, but Sean had put a laundry hamper on top of Alyson, sitting on the bumbo seat! Poor Aly was like a poor creature at a market, but it was really cute. Of course, we told Sean that it is not nice to put a basket on her sister. Never a dull moment!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Seattle Center

Nana came yesterday from Minneota. She'd brought us presents and Sean is very happy to have her around. He looks for him when she is not in the room. Today, we went to the Seattle Center area and had a very good time. Sean rode a car ride and he was just so excited as you can see in the video. I will post more later.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Enjoying time together

Mommy has decided to go back to work. Sean is going to go back to the original daycare since all his friends are there an he is used to the caregivers. The twins will be looked after by a nanny and we have elected one young lady who is studying to be pre-K and kinder teacher in college. She will be a great addition to our family and no doubt the twins will have a good time with her. Mommy will be working from home, so she will always be there when twins need her.

Today, Ayrie and Rion visited us in the morning. They'd brought many brazilian pastries from our favorite Brazilian cafe. They were yummy! Ayrie and Sean played together very well and Sean was sweating since he was running around so much. Ayrie is such a cute little girl. She is like Sean's cousin since they know each other since a month old. I am sure the twins and Rion will be good friends, too.

Nana is going to visit us this Sat through Wed. We are all excited to see her. We'll plan something fun like going to the flight museum. It's always fun for the kids to have her around. Hopefully the weather gets better. It's a bit gloomy today.

Alyson is trying so hard to move forward, but she goes backwards and gets frustrated. She can be often found stuck under the couch. She is getting louder and louder. She sure has a good set of lungs. We cannot believe the babies are almost 8 month-old. They will be a year in no time! Sad, but looking forward to seeing them learn new skills.