Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today, Grandma turns 70!! Happy Birthday, Grandma! She's still young looking and very very active that this old Mommy here cannot keep up with her. Wishing you a good health and happiness, Grandma! Sorry for the late birthday card (as always)!

Daddy's gone to Hong Kong since Sunday. The Campbell household is in order, however things can be very stressful at night. Sean woke up frequently last night just screaming and he won't tell me what he wanted. Perhaps he was warm, but he kept hitting his face. Maybe his teeth... It's no fun playing the guessing game with a screaming toddler at 2 am when you have to get up at 4:50 am. Luckily, our wonderful nanny comes in at 8:30 am and I got a permission to work half day everyday this week, so I get off at 9 am. We cannot wait for Daddy to come home. We are all in the war zone with time and one's patience and physical endurance. He is coming back on Saturday morning. Four more days to go...
Alyson is sitting up very well now and she can play with toys with better control and view. Noah is also sitting up better but he occasionally leans back and falls. He should sit up nicely in a couple of weeks or so. Alyson's personality is coming through very strongly now. Whenever she throws or drops a toy she was playing with and she cannot reach it anymore, she gets very frustrated! Oh boy, watch out! She's another fierily one!! Noah's just so happy to be Noah. His cutest moment is when he falls a sleep smiling. He also gets tickled when I kiss him on his cheeks.

Hopefully tonight goes better than last night! Hopefully Daddy is having a good time over in Hong Kong!!

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