Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Alyson gets bangs

So, it was time to trim Alyson's bangs. I was procrastinating it because I had this vision of poking her eye out with scissors when trying to cut it but had to confront the fear since poor Alyson was starting to look like show dogs. Her eyes intact and with her new look, she's showing off her cute dolly like face.

She's also WALKING! She takes about 3 or 4 steps without falling but in the end she crashes forward or drops her bottom on the floor. Maybe, I should say she's learnt to run before walking. She takes quick steps as she enjoys falling (she thinks it's funny when she falls). She's a tenacious little one because she can be seen practicing her new found skill all day long. She'll be walking in her shoes outside pretty quickly by the rate it's going, just in time for spring! We have to take her to her first shoe shopping one of these days.


Holtan-Bates family said...

I need her!!!!! They are so cute I cannot stand it!!!! I seriously think I should borrow her for the summer!

Two Little Bugs and a Bichon said...

The bangs are adorable!! I am like kimberly, i want to borrow her for a while!!!