Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Almost Christmas ~ Granda's Coming to Town!

Twins decided to empty out the toy bin and get inside!
Sean likes to watch Christmas light shows on YouTube

Noah was sick with high fever but better now

Saya started to eat finger foods

Bath Baby

Mike has been off from work since 12/21 and Sean is on winter break, too. Grandma's on a plane somewhere over the pacific as I type and our Christmas is shaping up to be a cozy family event. We had a "wrapping party" one night last week just Mike and I to wrap all the presents we got for the kids and each other. It's so easy to buy stuff for the kids. Just thinking of the reactions when they open their presents and how happy they will be fed my brain and I again bought too much.
Noah was sick for three days with high fever and is just recovering. Saya is cutting her very first tooth on the bottom and doing a great job! Aly is talking a lot and being funny. She is our in house comedian. She repeats anything anyone says and she tries to copy cat all the gestures, too. When a barely two-year-old does that, it's pretty funny. Sean's quite happy and quite upset, storm and bright sunshine packed in his skinny body of his. I think the out of routine stuff during the break is throwing him off guard. He's alright though. Doing pretty well making amazing progress.
We are just waiting for grandma to get here tomorrow morning. It should be a lot of fun having her around. We'll be going to our church in the early evening. We are a young family and just barely starting our own tradition. It's fun to be able to do that. One of the perks for being a parent!

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