Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mommy Potluck and 5K Race

I looked at my age category and it said 40 to 44.  I was in shock!! Can't be!!

The beautiful peach mousse cake Yukie made. 

My amazing friends!

Last Sunday was a busy one for us since Mike and I raced 5k in Issaquah in the morning and then I had a Mommy potluck party to attend right afterwards.  I prepared the food the night before so all I had to do was stick it in the oven in the morning.  I was pretty relaxed about the race even though I hadn't trained for it at all.  5K is a distance easy enough for my out of shape body to pull through.  The challenge this time though was running side by side with Mike who is training for his marathon in November.  He said he would go easy, but I knew it wouldn't be the same definition for me.  I felt great the first half with all the excitement and was running much faster pace than anticipated.  As a result though, I slowed down in the second half.  I was aiming to pass an older lady running in front of me, but she got away from me.  Mike and I talked about holding hands at the finish line and crossing it together, however have completely forgotten to do so.  I was tired but sprinting towards the goal because I wanted to make it under 30 minutes.  And I did it!  I crossed at 29 minutes and 50 seconds - my personal best.  If I had done it without training then I might have a lot of potential for improvement!  So, I've been running almost everyday ever since in the evenings.  It feels good to run again.  I hope to continue it as long as I can.

Mommy potluck was a lot of fun as usual.  It is so important to chat away with girl friends and laugh!  Yukie again brought amazing dessert - peach cream mousse cake with wine pouched white peaches on top.   Yummy!!  She inspires me to be better at baking.  I am very lucky to have friends who are smart, unique and funny.  It is not always easy to live overseas without your family nearby.  Succeeding in college took extra effort because of language barrier and being a parent and navigating through American system is the same.  I am glad I have my friends to give me advice and support me.  I value my friendship with amazing women I met here like my family!

So, I would say I had a good weekend~ 

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