Sunday, April 17, 2016

Spring Happenings 2

Good evening everyone.  We had a gorgeous Saturday here and we went on a family hike to a nearby mountain this afternoon.  It's one of those days which I felt content being a Mommy to four children, despite all the quarrels and noisiness that are permanently stuck in my ear at all time.  It's a miracle how a beautiful weather turns the crankiest to a cheerful butterfly.  I even took a bunch of pictures which I will share later in this post.

Falling behind in my post on this blog become a source of stress, so I am doing something about it today not to fall father behind.  I enjoy writing and it gives me a challenge and stimulate my otherwise autopilot neuron pathways in my brain.  The Psychologist I saw in the past told me that I am a type of person who needs lots stimulation for my brain to function properly.  I believe it's true.  This blog and my photography are very important part of my well being.  I may slow down in frequency in some months, but I will keep writing as long as I am well and alive.  It would be amazing if I could write say, for 40 years.  Maybe it will have some historic value plus a great gift for my family in the future.

To continue with the last post, I will post the pictures from the recent happenings and write a caption for what we did.  It will cover about my Mom's visit, my birthday and kids' spring break.

Sean, Aly and Noah and I took Grandma to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival on the opening weekend.  The traffic was horrible but the kids were pretty good in the car and the spectacular display of tulips made the trip worthwhile.  Just look at those large globes.  The tulip field lit up the land and sky like neon signs and it made me think of the power of plurality and unity. 

These red bulbs were very pretty.  Look at their leaves!  They match the shape of the petals.  How pretty!

The blushing color of pink is so pretty!

Kids were impressed with the beautiful display.  Noah was very good at the farm and when we went to lunch at a nearby town.  He was in fact the best kid!  He followed directions and didn't cry. 

The yellow outline on the petals made this tulip pop. 

One of the many attractive things about tulips is the curves.  The leaves, stems and the petals have beautiful curves like they are in dancing motion.  They seem quiet but has lots of line movements. 

I am not sure how many varieties they had but it seems like there were at least 30.  Every one of them had their own unique elegance.

I do like purple.  My wedding bouquet was purple tulips!

My Mom.  She is 77 this year.  I hope I age like her. 

I will post about my birthday and spring break tomorrow.  Time to sleep for me now! 

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