Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Evergreen State Fair

How I am ever going to catch up to current stuff?

Going to state or county fairs reminds me of my youth when friends and I visited them in the past.  In small town America, it's an event everyone looks forward to and people splurge on.  I was surprised that they had county fair in Durango, Mexico as well and it was almost identical to the American version except for food, merchandise and music of course. 

Taking kids to the fair can be very expensive but decided to take the three kids (Noah stayed with Nana) because they could not stop talking about it ever since they saw a commercial for it on TV.  We decided to go to Evergreen State Fair in Monroe instead of the bigger fair in Puyallup since it is closer.  The parking was way easier and the traffic was lighter, so I am glad we chose to go to Evergreen.

The kids wanted to go straight to the ride area and we let them choose three rides of their choice.  Buying the unlimited wrist bands would have coasted us $90 and it didn't seem right.  Sean immediately chose the fastest and scariest rides.  That boy is a thrill seeker.  I am not sure if he is really my son.  Aly couldn't decide for a while.  She would decide on one thing then change her mind while waiting.  It took a while for the girls to pick but they chose some kiddy rides. 

There were many game booths covered with giant stuffed animals and other prizes.  Many people were proudly carrying their win and I am always surprised how much money people are dropping at those games, rides and food.  Fair foods are a little different from regular fast food.  They serve exciting items like elephant ears (deep fried flat bread) or chocolate covered bacon to satisfy the hyped fair-goers.  Everything about the fair is noisy, the food, colors and sales pitch.  It is a bit too much for sensory sensitive individuals, even for me who can handle crowd and noise. 

The kids had a lot of fun though.  They enjoyed looking at animals and were not happy when we had to leave.  There were more animals to look at but we ran out of time before getting to the barn.  They reluctantly followed Mike and I to the exit but at least the girls were with sticky face and hands from their cotton candy.  They couldn't complain.  Sean soaked up all the excitement and was in trance.  I would say they had a very good day. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

School Year 2016 - 2017

Here we are, one grade up and Sean's last year at the elementary school.  The 5th graders looked so big and almost like a different species of children when Sean started school.  He is not exactly big and tall compared to some but he definitely is approaching the pivotal age in his life, a pre-teenager, a tween!  He is quite skinny but his shoulders are wide.  He is hopeful to get Daddy's big muscle, but he needs a big boost on male hormone for those.  He wants to be cool but still calls me Mommy.  He is in fact wearing a PJ with "Mommy's Little Monster" stitched on the shirt.   Still cute but it's the while-it-lasts stage.  He won't let me hold his hands anymore though.  Mom's not too cool anymore...

Sean was once again lucky to have his best friend in the same class.  He was happy that some boys from his group were able to remain together, too.  They often play a game called "laughing game" during lunch, which is a game of telling a funny joke or acting silly to make people laugh.  No wonder he always fails to finish his lunch.  He was not exactly happy the school started again, but so far enjoying school.  5th grade is a busy year with many projects and learning an instrument in band and orchestra.  Sean picked band and he chose clarinet.  I am yet to hear him play at home, but I believe it's going to be loud!  I am determined to have him participate in school activities this year to make the most out of this year. 

Miss Alyson is a happy girl. She is happy to be a medium kid and she likes her teacher a lot.  She made lots of friends and enjoys going to school.  I haven't seen her being so positive before.  She says she is one of the good kids in her class and the second tallest.  She grew tons during summer.  She is about an inch and half shorter than Sean.  He is very concerned she may become taller than him soon.  The 3rd grade is a big year because it's the year they begin taking standardized tests on math and reading.  Alyson isn't found of tests, but she will need to get used to taking them.  I hope her happy streak continues and enjoys being a 3rd grader.  She may become taller than me in a couple of years... 

Miss Saya had a rough start to her 2nd year.  She was so nervous about school, she convinced herself that she is miserable during school.  She was not being social which surprised me because she is usually an easy going girl.  I was worried about her for a while until a switch went on about three weeks into school and she was happy again.  I didn't know a change in environment can affect her so much.  She is feeling more pressure in her life and wants to be a good and successful student in her class.  It's wonderful that she wants to be her best, but she will need to learn that it's ok to fail sometimes.  It's going to be a hard lesson to learn because she is a perfectionist.  I am glad that she is enjoying her school now.  She exclaims every morning that she loves to go to school while Sean and Aly give her a cold stare!

Noah's transition to new school year was pretty smooth.  It surprised me how much he was eager to begin school, perhaps more than I was.  He often woke up in summer demanding in bed for his school bus to come pick him up.  When I told him there is no school, he cried.  He was wanting the routine and structure the school provide since the summer days are often without a routine.  I was happy he likes his new teacher and his para-educator.  The struggle he has is the medication.  He started taking a medication for his impulsiveness (ADHD stimulant medication) and calming agitation (anti-psychosis medication) in late summer. He was initially responding positively with increase in verbal communication, but soon started to be more anxious.  He was covering his ears often and preferred to stay in his bed all covered up under his favorite blanket.  We decided to taper off the ADHD medication due to his decreased appetite, anxiety and lack of sleep, but taking the anti-psychosis medication solely made him eat like a little piggy.  He was constantly hungry gobbling up any food he can put his hands on.  At first I was happy that he was finally eating, but quickly realized that it was not a healthy type of hunger he was experiencing.  So, we are in the process of tapering that off currently.  The doctor recommended another type of anti-psychosis medication, so we are going to gradually add it. 

I am very proud of all my children for striding forward to face the challenge and joy in their new grade.  I am involved at school this year as well perhaps even more so than previous years.  I volunteer partly because I like to see my children at school, getting to know their teachers and friends.  It's going to be another busy year and I hope I do OK as a parent - making sure I don't miss any events and due dates.  I am going to have the kids participate in as many projects and programs at school as possible this year.  After all, this is Sean's last year at his elementary school and last chance to make fun memories.   How can be that possible... my big boy's growing up!!