Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Evergreen State Fair

How I am ever going to catch up to current stuff?

Going to state or county fairs reminds me of my youth when friends and I visited them in the past.  In small town America, it's an event everyone looks forward to and people splurge on.  I was surprised that they had county fair in Durango, Mexico as well and it was almost identical to the American version except for food, merchandise and music of course. 

Taking kids to the fair can be very expensive but decided to take the three kids (Noah stayed with Nana) because they could not stop talking about it ever since they saw a commercial for it on TV.  We decided to go to Evergreen State Fair in Monroe instead of the bigger fair in Puyallup since it is closer.  The parking was way easier and the traffic was lighter, so I am glad we chose to go to Evergreen.

The kids wanted to go straight to the ride area and we let them choose three rides of their choice.  Buying the unlimited wrist bands would have coasted us $90 and it didn't seem right.  Sean immediately chose the fastest and scariest rides.  That boy is a thrill seeker.  I am not sure if he is really my son.  Aly couldn't decide for a while.  She would decide on one thing then change her mind while waiting.  It took a while for the girls to pick but they chose some kiddy rides. 

There were many game booths covered with giant stuffed animals and other prizes.  Many people were proudly carrying their win and I am always surprised how much money people are dropping at those games, rides and food.  Fair foods are a little different from regular fast food.  They serve exciting items like elephant ears (deep fried flat bread) or chocolate covered bacon to satisfy the hyped fair-goers.  Everything about the fair is noisy, the food, colors and sales pitch.  It is a bit too much for sensory sensitive individuals, even for me who can handle crowd and noise. 

The kids had a lot of fun though.  They enjoyed looking at animals and were not happy when we had to leave.  There were more animals to look at but we ran out of time before getting to the barn.  They reluctantly followed Mike and I to the exit but at least the girls were with sticky face and hands from their cotton candy.  They couldn't complain.  Sean soaked up all the excitement and was in trance.  I would say they had a very good day. 

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