Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Noah's first Costco experience

Today, Noah went to Costco for the first time. He wore a hoodie jacket which Nana gave him, cute blue shoes and a hat. He fell asleep in the car, but woke up a little scared at Costco. He started to stick his lower lip out and was a time bomb ready to wail any minute, so Mom ran through the store and made it to the cashier before he went off! He went through the other side of the cashier's counter with the goods in the cart. The cashiers around tried to comfort him but he had no ears. Everyone thought he was really cute. With the rush, Mom forgot to buy his formula, the most important thing for the little boy. Oh well! We'll have to make another trip sometime soon.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Bye Bye Grandma

We said good-bye to grandma after 2 and half months of fun filled days. She left quietly at 4 am but Mom was able to catch her since Aly was up having her early breakfast. Thank you for all your help, Grandma. We all miss you! Hope you get some rests because you were overworked!!

So, it is only Mommy Daddy, Sean, Noah and Aly in the house. The tension is really high to keep the house running smooth. We had a few melt downs and who is the loudest in the house games, but we are doing fine. Sean is taking a long nap and that is great although the babies aren't napping very well. At least it is warm outside - upper 60s! Wish us luck as we adjust to having one less pair of hands!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Daddy Came Back!

Daddy came back swearing he'll eat in moderation from now on. I guess he enjoyed his food in Japan! He was spotted by Mommy's friend on Monday though at a sushi joint. Sean is very happy to have Daddy home although he acted like nothing happened when he first saw him. It was like "were you gone?" kind of face. The babies are doing well, however Noah has a little cold. We are doing everything we can to keep him comfortable. Alyson was fussy today and she had a long spell of crying. We did not know what to do but will try the Gripe Water tomorrow. Grandma also is coming down with a cold. probably by overworking, and she went to bed at 7:30 pm. I hope she gets a good rest tonight. Daddy also went to bed at 9:00 pm because of the jet lag. It's just Mommy and the twins for now. Let's hope they have a restful night!
BTW, you can click on the photos to enlarge them.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Waiting on Daddy

We are counting days until Daddy comes home. He will come home on Sat and we cannot wait to see him. The babies are making good developmental progress. Noah started to smile when we catch him in a good mood. We captured his smile on a video which I will post here below. He smiles towards the end of the clip. Alyson smiles in sleep and should be giving us social smiles very soon. Mom had a dentist appointment today and Grandma had some house guests. The babies did great, she said, sleeping through the visit. Also, Mom baked a carrot loaf using the new bread machine she'd gotten for her birthday. It turned out great and we had it for dinner with the green pepper & chorizo scrambled eggs. Yummy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Alyson Moving

Our little girl is getting very big~!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Daddy in Japan

So, Daddy left for Japan yesterday and today was the first full day to be Daddy-free. So far Sean's doing great and has had no melt down. He talked about Daddy, probably remembering what he did with him, but he hasn't looked for him. Grandma and Mommy have been excellent team players to care for the three little children. We'll probably start to feel the fatigue from tomorrow. Mommy took Sean to the playground in the morning and a carnival in the afternoon. He had a great time looking at the loud rides and screaming teens. He wanted to try one and he was too little for it. The twins are doing well. They started to coo more and it's very cute. We'll see how the week goes and hopefully the kids would behave.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bath Time Clip

This is a cute clip of Sean and Daddy talking during the bath time.

Sean does potty!

We have a good news today.
Sean used potty for peeing for the first time. We've been letting him sit on the potty naked before bath for about two weeks. At first, he would not sit even but he gradually took interest. The night before, he'd gone #2 in the bath and Mike immediately sat him on the potty and he successfully finished the deed as well! Yay!! Although it might not mean he's going to do it again tomorrow, we are so happy he is comfortable with the idea. Look at his smile! He looks so proud!

We bathed the babies in the afternoon and just had to take a photo of Noah since he is becoming a baby sumo wrestler. I did not realize until today. He is getting very chunky! No wonder my back is killing me. I believe he is over 10lbs. Alyson is slender, but she is definitely getting bigger as well. Noah's legs are very strong and likes to stand up tall when we hold him up on our laps. Alyson's back and neck are very strong and she likes to sit assisted and check out what is going on around her. Both babies are super active and the doctor told us they move a lot compared to other newborns. So, watch out everyone! Once they become mobile, all you see might be the dust.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Easily Pleased Me

We had a good weekend, but I cannot remember much what we did. Since I nap from 6 am to 2 pm, half of the day is already gone by the time I am out of the bed. So, it feels like my day is really short. Oh yes, I remember now. I took my Mom to shopping at a shopping center nearby. She desperately wanted to go buy souvenirs as her departing day is getting near. There is a big food court at the mall, so I sat and had a quiet lunch by myself while my Mom shopped. I ordered a Vietnamese noodle dish called Pho (beef pho #10 on their menu), which I used to order all the time. Sitting deeply in the chair people watching, I ate very slowly. Oh, that was a luxury. It was like getting a massage, to be able to enjoy my meal not worrying about entertaining my children. I ended my lunch with a decaf white chocolate mocha and I was very satisfied. I thought to myself that I need to do this more often! It was a cheap but effective therapy!

We have a busy week coming up. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and the twins have a hip x-ray appointment on Friday in Seattle. Mike is going to Japan for a week from Friday, too, so it's going to be very hectic. While flying business class enjoying his seafood appetizer with chilled wine, maybe he would feel a tiny bit of guilt. It would be quite funny if someone filmed us and show the images of what we are doing side by side on a screen. The caption would be, "where would you rather be?" Well, I am glad Mike is going to get some break and enjoy Tokyo. He just has to tell me all about what he ate and I will be satisfied with that!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

Today was my birthday! No matter how old I get, I love my birthdays!
My Mom always had a party for me and I have a lot of fun memories.
Today was special because it's my first birthday with all my three children. Three!! I still pinch my cheeks to make sure I am not dreaming. The kids are the best presents of all!
My sweet Mike bought me a SPA gift certificate with a foot warmer. He also bought me a bunch of tulips. That was very nice of him. He even bought and signed a card from the kids. Very cute.
I baked a cake for us and my Mom cooked chirashizushi and clam dish. They were delicious!
I had a very nice birthday and Sean enjoyed helping me open the presents and enjoyed the cake, too.