Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sean does potty!

We have a good news today.
Sean used potty for peeing for the first time. We've been letting him sit on the potty naked before bath for about two weeks. At first, he would not sit even but he gradually took interest. The night before, he'd gone #2 in the bath and Mike immediately sat him on the potty and he successfully finished the deed as well! Yay!! Although it might not mean he's going to do it again tomorrow, we are so happy he is comfortable with the idea. Look at his smile! He looks so proud!

We bathed the babies in the afternoon and just had to take a photo of Noah since he is becoming a baby sumo wrestler. I did not realize until today. He is getting very chunky! No wonder my back is killing me. I believe he is over 10lbs. Alyson is slender, but she is definitely getting bigger as well. Noah's legs are very strong and likes to stand up tall when we hold him up on our laps. Alyson's back and neck are very strong and she likes to sit assisted and check out what is going on around her. Both babies are super active and the doctor told us they move a lot compared to other newborns. So, watch out everyone! Once they become mobile, all you see might be the dust.

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