Today, our friend stopped by with her two-year-old daughter and 3 month-old son. Sean had a good time playing with Ayrie and the babies were pretty good as all of them had gotten some naps. Ayrie's little brother, Rion, is pretty chunky like Noah. The kids are very close in age and they will be playmates for a very long time.
Alyson rolled over from back to stomach yesterday. When she's on the floor, she tenaciously practices rolling over. Within a minute or two, she moves 180 degrees, sometime even more! Her hair over the left ear is starting to get a curl and she's going to be really cute with soft curly hair. Noah continues to lose hair. His fine fuzz is like a puppy's and Mommy is addicted to rubbing his hair (his belly as well for a good luck). Sean has a cold and cranky but doing a great job being a big boy. Mommy and Daddy have decided that he's ready to do things on his own, so they will take a back seat and let him be a big boy. It gets rough at times disciplining him but it's all for the big boy and getting him ready to tackle school next year!
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