Friday, September 26, 2008


Noah has gotten two bottom front teeth! He was such a champion because he didn't fuss even a bit. We didn't even notice he was working on them. The babies are definitely showing their full personality by now. Little Alyson is a princess but a loud one. She tries to reach and grab anything that interests her and she's not shy at expressing herself. Noah is pretty laid back and likes cuddling, being tickled and just plain-o-sweet. Both of them think the big brother Sean is the coolest thing ever. They try so hard to watch and observe Sean at all time whenever they can.
Sean is learning to brush his own teeth and he loves it! Today, we met a twin Mom from Renton and we had a playdate at my house. Sean was really good about letting the other kids play with his toys. He was kind and gave lots of hugs to the new friends.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Children's Museum

We took the kids to the Children's Museum in the city on Saturday. It is packed with wonderful activities and displays catered for little kids and Sean had a good time playing and exploring. He particularly liked the mock Mexican restaurant display where kids can pretend they are serving the food. We ordered several Tacos and Sean kindly served us at the booth. There was a little kiddie grocery store as well and Sean pushed a little shopping cart and went for shopping (he didn't buy anything). We'll have to go back because Sean had so much fun and we weren't able to explore every display.

On Sunday, we went to Ikea to pick up some stuff for the house. We wanted to buy some linens for Sean's big boy bed as he's ready to ditch the crib. Poor Alyson has been sleeping in the travel cot all this time and she can finally lay in comfort at night. When we passed the junior section, Sean wanted to get off the stroller and play. Everything was fine for a while but Mike came over and told me that Sean has gotten lost! Mike looked for him everywhere but couldn't find him. Then, we heard a big scream and we knew it was Sean. He went towards the voice and there he was surrounded by store staff screaming in the middle. Poor Sean was terrified and clinged to Mike once found. So we all learned a lesson that day!
Here is Alyson making funny noises:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lazy weekend

Ever since Daddy came home, we've been just laying low since we are very tired. Noah and Alyson both woke up once last night and Mommy and Daddy are a little sleep deprived. Sean has been a little cranky and who knows why! At least he's cute. He can sing "Bob the Builder" song and he knows all the characters in it, even the ones Mommy doesn't know. Alyson often grunts like an old man and she makes us laugh. Noah has been pretty cute chuckling and talking away. Daddy throws him in the air and he curls up like a ball and we call it "Noah Ball". He loves it as you can see in the video. The picture above is with Mr. Rion, our friend's son.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Wanted to post just videos today. One is Aly and Noah in high chair and the other is Sean with Daddy throwing Tae Kwan Do kicks.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Last Days of Summer

It's not as hot as other parts of the world, but Seattlites are enjoying the last summer days. It's in mid to upper 70's and perfect park weather. We are dreading the cold rainy months this year as Sean's more active. But let's not think about that just yet and enjoy the sunshine!

Daddy left for London this afternoon. Sean was not too happy the taxi took Daddy away without him. He asked for Daddy several times, but generally was a good boy today. Mommy had a pretty bad evening as she found out Toohey had peed in the kid's ball pit. We had to say good-bye to all the balls. Sean, since he was told not to, jumped in the ball pit anyway and that almost gave Mommy a nervous breakdown. Needless to say, Sean got a bath immediately. There is something wrong with Toohey. We have to take him in again to the Vet. What a cat.

Noah and Aly are behaving really well. They had good naps and gobbled up their solids. Now, all Mommy has to do is to feed Aly and change her. Everyone else is asleep. When Daddy's gone, there are tons of work! Luckily, this trip is short and he'll be coming home on Thursday evening.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Oh No, Noah-kan

Sean's a chatter box these days and it's fun to listen to what he's saying. When two babies cry at the same time, he'll run to one and try to comfort him/her and then runs to the other and do the same (he's very busy). Yesterday, Alyson was crying in her swing upstairs so he ran to her and asked "what's wrong, Alyson?" and was trying his best to make her stop crying. Then he heard Noah downstairs and he said "oh no, Noah-kan (his nickname)" and he ran downstairs to comfort him. The other day, he was carrying one of his favorite stuffed animal, Frankie the penguin, and was saying "what's wrong?" and "sorry... sorry" as if he's trying to comfort Frankie. I think he is learning to sympathize with others' feelings and glad to see him learning new emotions.

Alyson is learning to move abouts on her tummy by bending and pushing with her legs. She'll be scooting really soon, we think. Noah is starting to roll over as well from his back to tummy. It's very exciting to see them learning new skills. Both of them adore Sean. They laugh when Sean gets near them. They are also fascinated with kitties' tails. Watch out, kitties, there are two more sets of little hands coming your way soon.

Alyson moving: