Friday, September 26, 2008


Noah has gotten two bottom front teeth! He was such a champion because he didn't fuss even a bit. We didn't even notice he was working on them. The babies are definitely showing their full personality by now. Little Alyson is a princess but a loud one. She tries to reach and grab anything that interests her and she's not shy at expressing herself. Noah is pretty laid back and likes cuddling, being tickled and just plain-o-sweet. Both of them think the big brother Sean is the coolest thing ever. They try so hard to watch and observe Sean at all time whenever they can.
Sean is learning to brush his own teeth and he loves it! Today, we met a twin Mom from Renton and we had a playdate at my house. Sean was really good about letting the other kids play with his toys. He was kind and gave lots of hugs to the new friends.

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