Monday, September 22, 2008

Children's Museum

We took the kids to the Children's Museum in the city on Saturday. It is packed with wonderful activities and displays catered for little kids and Sean had a good time playing and exploring. He particularly liked the mock Mexican restaurant display where kids can pretend they are serving the food. We ordered several Tacos and Sean kindly served us at the booth. There was a little kiddie grocery store as well and Sean pushed a little shopping cart and went for shopping (he didn't buy anything). We'll have to go back because Sean had so much fun and we weren't able to explore every display.

On Sunday, we went to Ikea to pick up some stuff for the house. We wanted to buy some linens for Sean's big boy bed as he's ready to ditch the crib. Poor Alyson has been sleeping in the travel cot all this time and she can finally lay in comfort at night. When we passed the junior section, Sean wanted to get off the stroller and play. Everything was fine for a while but Mike came over and told me that Sean has gotten lost! Mike looked for him everywhere but couldn't find him. Then, we heard a big scream and we knew it was Sean. He went towards the voice and there he was surrounded by store staff screaming in the middle. Poor Sean was terrified and clinged to Mike once found. So we all learned a lesson that day!
Here is Alyson making funny noises:

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