Monday, December 1, 2008

Setting up the Christmas Tree

The tradition in the Campbell's house hold is to setup the Christmas tree after Thanksgiving. This year, we put it in the entry way so that Alyson won't try to tear it down. Sean remembered the tree from last year and was very excited to have it out again. He helped hang the ornaments but mostly on one spot at his eye level. When he was napping, I hang more ornaments and re-distributed the ones Sean hang to balance things out.

We took pictures of the kids in front of the tree yesterday, but it didn't go so well. The twins were terrified and Sean was in a funny mood. The babies cried and Sean was screaming... You can just imagine how it was! But they did look adorable in a dress-up outfit. All these bad pictures we took have more character than perfect looking smiley pictures, I suppose!

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