Sunday, December 21, 2008

White Out

The storm last night wasn't bad at all. We still have power and content that we can stay warm inside. However, it's still snowing outside! Our neighborhood looks like a suburb of Lake Tahoe with tall evergreen trees covered in snow. It's absolutely gorgeous! I don't see too many cars driving out the window but for those that are out there, I see them sliding around. The snow is pretty deep and no snow truck has come by yet, so the road is pretty much like a ski slope, covered with fluffy fresh snow. Too bad we don't have any snow shoes for Sean.

1 comment:

Holtan-Bates family said...

Looks the same here! The snow is still coming down and it is just beautiful outside! Enjoy the wonderful white blanket while it lasts! Keep an eye on that girl of yours as well, like I said, I am tempted to come take her! She has the best smile I have ever seen!

Merry Christmas!