Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Family Trip to Bainbridge Island

Waiting to board the ferry.
Sean on the deck overlooking the city skyline.
Grandma and the twins on the ferry.

Daddy and Sean throwing rocks at the beach.

Twins getting board at the beach.

The dark rock-looking things are all oysters.

Sean having lunch with Daddy.

The grave site of Chief Seattle.

So Grandma is into Chief Seattle, a Squamish tribal chief whom the city was named after, so Daddy, Mommy, Grandma, Sean, Aly and Noah went to the Bainbridge Island on Sunday to visit the village where he was born and buried at.

The kids really enjoyed taking the ferry and Sean could not believe our van could ride the ferry, too. Sean was running around the deck of the ship and was so excited. Noah and Aly were so busy exploring the ship and it was a good thing we had one adult per kid so that we could chase them around. Noah could not keep his eye off one poor lady and he was just staring at her for a long time. She started to laugh because another baby came along and she started to stare at the lady, too. Probably because she had a bike helmet on.

While grandma checked out the museum, we took the kids to the beach where there were millions of little crabs and oysters laying around. When I kicked one huge oyster shell, about 10 little crabs crawled out and it was pretty gross. No offence to the crabs but they do look like little spiders... Sean had fun throwing rocks to the ocean but not found of the little crabs... Maybe because Mommy screamed. Twins had to stay in the stroller because the beach was rocky and full of seashells.

We drove around a little after that and saw Chief Seattle's grave etc... The story behind the tribe and the leader is quite amazing. The speech he made is quite famous and very beautiful. I became a big fan of the chief! All in all, we had a great time visiting the island! We are excited that there are many islands to explore.

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