Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Saya's Two Month Well Check

Noah getting cuter and cuter everyday!
Aly with the Tot's Collar (to correct her tilting neck problem)

Saya in her bumbo seat looking cute.
Saya had a two month well check on 6/30 and here are the stats:

Weight 14 lbs exactly
Height 24 inches

She's off the chart over all (except for her head size) and very healthy. She's soft and round just like she's supposed to be.
Saya sleeps these days from 9:00 PM to 3 or 4 AM straight and then sleeps until 7 or 8 AM. Aly and Noah are cutting some teeth and Aly wakes up sometimes during the night screaming. Otherwise, they are doing very well. Aly can say about 20 words or more and she's very sassy. Grandma got her a pooch bag (a bag that is shaped like a doggy) and she likes to carry it around with her. She doesn't like to have her hair done but she knows she looks pretty cute. Noah is pro at running now and he can now run as fast as Alyson. They both chase each other around the living room/kitchen area giggling. It is so cute to see them play together. Come the bed time, hey ran really fast to get away from me. I am surprised those short chubby legs can carry them so fast. Master Sean's in a fairly good mood lately. He really loves his Lightning McQueen and Chick Hicks mini cars and he goes to bed with them every night. He really loves his race car bed and very proud of it.

1 comment:

Machelle said...

I do not know how you do it with so many young ones! They are just too precious as well!! Little chunker on your hands :) I did not know she had to wear a neck brace...? I am sure it will do the trick!