Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hanging Out

Noah and Sean in matching T-shirt
Saya is a good baby -- she patiently sits while Mommy cooks.
Aly and Noah playing on choochoo
Miss Alyson with her pooch bag
Saya close up!

So, Grandma left last Thursday after almost 3 month of busy stay and Mike and I are scrambling to keep things running smoothly. Thank you so much, Grandma for all your help! It was very sad to see you go, but rest assured we'll bug you by phone and webcam so that you'd remember how your grand kids screams. The first day was pretty hard. I didn't get enough sleep because Saya woke up about three times at night and could not nap in the morning like I used to. By the third day post Grandma, it was starting to turn for the better. Kids are asleep by 9 pm so we have a little time to relax at night. But believe me, it is not easy. Sure all these little people are cute but boy they give you a mental and physical workout! Sometimes I don't want to get up from the couch even though poor little guys are crying. Well, right now for example, Aly and Noah are supposed to be napping but they are both yelling from their cribs. While I have endless to do list always out, we have to slow down and enjoy ourselves in this busy schedule. For now, all I can do is deep breathing and hope things slow down soon!!

Noah laughs every time he sips his milk because it made a funny noise.

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