Saturday, March 19, 2011

How to enjoy spring sunshine

This is my family! I feel proud of being a Mommy to four children~ Four!? How did that happen? I think of this everyday still.
I take a lot of pictures of Aly because she is normally cooperative and very photogenic!

Sean and Aly throwing rocks at the lake. It must be a lot of fun!?

Finally, I told Mike that I really need a photo taken because I have no recent photos with kids.

Eating sorbet is a serious business!

We didn't plan an outing today but we followed Daddy's lead and enjoyed a fun family outing in Seattle. Mike had to pick up two race packets for the triathlon for tomorrow and half marathon next weekend in the city. It was a gorgeous day and we can say it was the first sunny day that smelt and felt like spring. Everyone in Seattle was outside and I-5 was jammed, but we didn't have to be on it for long. Couped up in the Eastside generally, we forget how beautiful Seattle is especially under the blue sky. The deep greens of well nourished trees and the picturesque bay with sleek high rises and the Space Needle sticking up at a distance are a sight to see especially after the long spells of dark rainy days.

We parked the car at Green Lake so that we can walk around the lake and enjoy the sun. We can tell when Sean is enjoying himself because he pretty much does what we ask him to do without a fuss. The kids enjoyed watching the ducks and throwing little rocks into the lake. The place was packed with people soaking up the sun. There were so many dogs of all sizes walking with their owners. The kids had fun dog watching, too, and they giggled when a super tiny chihuahua walked by (only to be barked at which startled Aly). We stopped by at Baskin Robins and picked up some sorbet for the kids and a scoop each for Mike and I.

When the sun is out and warm, a family outing is fuss free. Just being outside makes everyone happy in our family. We got a taste of spring today and it reminded us how much fun we have spending time outside as a family. Sure, Saya missed her nap, but we fared well and have tired kids who snoozed pretty quickly at bed time!

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