Friday, September 9, 2011

Good-bye Summer Vacation~!

The kids love the water table. 

Alyson fell and bumped her chin on the train table while Amy was watching.  She was ok.

She is officially then most scarred kid in the house.

Saya wins the snottiest kid in the house.

Well, this summer was something. I've never fully understood what the veteran parents were griping about, but now I know. Summer, the sunshine, warm weather and fun t-shirts and cute sun dresses are nice, but the summer break is darn too long!! Knowing how I might forget this feeling in the future, as I did in child labor, I wanted to make a note of it here that it was hard. The children were bored and that led them to misbehave, which resulted in yelling by all members of the family.

We did have some fun, but those moments are hazed in distance and I will have to revisit them in photos to remember.   Note to myself: enroll kids in more summer programs!  They are expensive but how much is my brain worth?  Thank goodness the school started this week, which I will write about in the next post.  I wish I sound more fruity, but my goodness, it reminded me of the summer when the twins were young infants and Sean had nothing to do all summer. 

Now, we are all trying to settle ourselves in the new routine.   I am trying to find a formula that works for us.  So far what I've learned this summer was, less driving less stress.  If don't have to go anywhere, just stay put in the house.  Don't overbook myself trying to keep the kids happy.  They are happy with anything, usually, as long as I spend time with them. 

So, hello school year!  I am glad you came.

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