Monday, August 27, 2012

Campbell Kids of Summer 2012

Our little friend Shota had his third birthday party at a popular park.  He was so cute!

All lined up!

Saya at a farm in Redmond.  We had a picnic with friends.

Sean is a master civic engineer as well.  His LEGO creations are amazing. 

We went to the Larson Lake for a walk.

Saya having fun with a stick.

Saya walks slow and Sean walks fast, so I am in the middle point keeping an eye on both of them!

Saya with her scooter. 

Sean is pretty good at gliding now.

I love this picture of Noah and Daddy.  His arms are getting stronger. I mean, Noah, by the way :-)

My eyes are spinning by the time we leave.  One kid slides down and the other climbs.  It's hard to keep track of where they are in an open space!

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