Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mid Winter Break 2013

Girls like to help me cook.  They helped me make hamburger patties.

On a hike in Watershed Reserve.  Sean found lots of mushrooms.

Early settlers harvested trees in this woods to build homes and railroads.  They cut out holes to insert planks to use as step ladders to climb big trees to cut.

Sean is in his element whenever we go outdoors.  He is often hard to catch.

How tall is this tree?  You have to look at it from all angle!

I love the moss covered trees of Pacific Northwest.   It reminds me of Twilight.  If only good looking strangers are running around.

We took the kids to Hyak over Snoqualmie Pass today.  They had so much fun playing in the snow.  Saya was crying all the way home that she wanted to go back to play in the snow.

Saya looked like a baby snow bunny.  She was bouncing around clumsily and just plain cute. 

Sean was so happy to play with snow.  He was complaining that it hasn't snowed this year and it worked out that we went to where the snow is.

We did a lot of snow fight.  Daddy managed to throw a large snow ball in my purse and I wasn't too happy about it.

Girls attempting to get Mommy.  Their snowballs are so fragile, it never makes it to the target.

He was at bliss.  This boy loves being outdoor.

Sean admiring the snowy scenery and dreaming about visiting it again soon.

It's that time of the year again.  The school break in February adds more chaos to an event filled month.  Noah's therapy schedule didn't change much and so were the girls' school, but Sean was wide open for a week.  His usual "what are we going to do next?" was on a FAQ of the week and I kept him busy as much as I could.  We did playdates, hiking in the new trail, bouncy house, YMCA and snow play.  Now I am exhausted!!  No wonder I can fall asleep on the couch even when the kids are bouncing off me.  The kids had a good time though and played a lot with each other.  Sean was happy he had extra time to play with his sisters.  I think he feels left out since the girls are very close and they play together in Japanese.  He interacted with them very well this week and Aly started to speak more English.  I love seeing my kids play together.  As hard as it is, it's nice to have all four kids close to me when they are out of school.  It will be back to normal from Monday until Sean's birthday on Wednesday.  I have to make 30+ cupcakes for his classroom to share with his friends.  He has gone back to the GFCF diet again since he was starting to act more anxious.  GFCF baking, here I come (again). 

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