Friday, March 7, 2014

Taking Things Slow

Although I don't work outside my home, I look forward to the weekend.  I get to sleep in a little later and I don't have to pack lunch boxes or hassle kids to get dressed in the morning.   My elementary school teacher used to say, your life as a kid is easy because people tell you what to do and all you have to do is try to do the best job.  Once you are a grown up, you are in charge of your own life, whether you spend your time wisely or waste it, it's all up to you.   I often think of that especially on weekends since I am faced with more choices of how I spend my time.  Should I get the shopping done without kids or should I spend a quiet time reading?  I am terrible at taking it slow.  I hope I learn to slow down and spend much needed time for myself. 

After his 8th birthday, Sean started taking a medication for anxiety.  We saw a child psychiatrist in February and had him evaluate Sean.  He reconfirmed that he is on the autism spectrum and he has an anxiety disorder as well as attention deficit disorder.  It was not a surprise to us and I am glad we are on the path to figure out what we can do for him.  We mainly wanted to address his excessive day dreaming and explosive temper tantrum at home.  So far he seems chattier and became more social at school.  The teacher commented he finished more work in the class this week compared to how he had been in previous weeks.  That made me feel hopeful that the medication can make a difference. 

As you know, he is very into football at the moment.  I researched about junior football league in Bellevue and found a team called Bellevue Bears in Boys and Girls Club.  I contacted the rep to see if they can accept him since he is lighter than minimum 60 pounds weight requirement.  Today, I received a reply and they said "yes!"  I am very excited for him.  They said to make sure he gains a couple of pounds before August.  He is very motivated to eat now and started eating up his lunch which he never did before!  I can't wait to see him in a football uniform!

Noah, Noah... he's a trouble maker now.  He escaped twice recently and I had to chase him without shoes up the hill.  He runs fast for having much shorter legs than I do.  I used to be a decent runner, but I have hard time catching up to him.  Keeping him in the house isn't the only problem we have.  He now gets into everything and he loves eating lotions, soaps and toothpaste.  I have to lock up everything pasty and liquidy because if he can get a hold of it, he would eat it.  He exhausts me that boy.  I have to run around the house making sure he is not doing something naughty.  I've learned that he has pretty strong stomach and unusual taste buds...  He thinks sanitizers taste good!

Saya and I went to a nearby farm today to look at some farm animals.  It's getting warmer here and it's pleasant when it's not raining.  We looked at sheeps, goats, rabbits, chickens and horses at the farm but Saya was more excited to find a cat sitting at the office window.  I took some cute pictures of Saya and the animals.  All children are natural models.  I love that they forget I am there with the camera and present me the most beautiful natural expressions on their little faces.  They can be uncooperative, too, so you have to be patient for a good shot.  Same is said for the animals.  The white horse kept moving even though I asked him to stop!

Another busy week gone by and time to relax.  I am going to RELAX and TAKE THINGS SLOW this weekend.  I will make that a priority especially after a busy month!

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