Monday, June 2, 2014

Sean's First Camping Trip

Sean and I went on a camping trip to Hood Canal on Memorial Day weekend with friends.  I've been wanting to take the kids to camping but for a girl who only went camping a few times back in college days, it was a long leap to conquer.  When my friend, Jen, asked me if we wanted to join them on a camping trip, I knew it was my best chance to break into the big wide world of camping.  Jen is an avid camper and has tons of experience camping solo and camping with kids.  I had a tent, but that was about it.  I made a list of all other gears I need for the trip and in the frenzy, went to REI flagship store in Seattle, Sports Authority and Costco.  Surprisingly, I made most of my purchases at Costco.  They sold better quality things at cheaper price.  Perfect! The food was another big item I had to plan and prepare.  When I was all packed up, I had a big international sized suitcase full of things, Sean had his carry-on style suitcase with his things, an ice chest with food and drinks, and a Rubbermaid tub with snacks, dry foods and cooking tools.  Mike's little CRV was fully loaded and Sean sat squished on the backseat.  The good thing was that the camp site wasn't too far, only an hour and half southwest of Bellevue.  The weather forecast wasn't in our favor with chance of rain, but we were all excited to have the best time anyway.

The camp ground was crowded and it was a bit different from what I was used to in Idaho.  It was not very private, but in a way it felt safer.  It was right on the Hood Canal and we could see the canal from our camp site.  There were relatively clean bathrooms and showers close by, so it was convenient.  We set up the tents first and got our sleeping situation squared away.  My tent is a 4 person tent and is super easy to set up, so even I could do it by myself.  I hauled in my huge suitcase which probably took over one third of the space in the tent and inflated my airbed.  Jen and Kevin were busy setting up their big 10 person two room tent and their two queen air beds.  In the meanwhile, the boys collected some firewood for the fire.  In many ways, I was so glad Jen and Kevin were experts at camping.  They swiftly made fire and set up the cooking station for us to make dinner.  Jen made a yummy hamburger and it tasted so good to eat outdoor under the tall pine trees.  The boys were having so much fun running around being boys, pretending they are Ninjas or treasure hunters.  Sean exclaimed "I just found a piece of history!" and we all laughed.  Kevin's special s'mores were delish as he is very particular about the marshmallows.  They have to be golden colored and sagging from the skewers!   I've always burnt mine and thought that was the way. 

We were cold the first night and I was uncomfortable as Sean kept pushing me towards the edge.  The second night was much better as we were dressed warmer and knocked out from the fatigue.  Jen and I were busy most of the time preparing for the next meal or taking care of the boys, but we found some time to sit around the campfire and talk.  It was blissful watching the fire dance and listening to the wood crackle.  I think I know why avid campers are addicted to camping.  There is something about it that is mind cleansing.  Sean had a really good time hanging out with his best buddy.  Now that I have done it with one kid, I think I will take the girls with me the next time.  I think I need to buy a bigger tent to fit two queen size mattresses.  What a healthy dose of fun!  Washington is a beautiful state and we have so much to explore. 

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