Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Almost Halloween

I had some problems with posting photos on my blog and that made me delay in updating the blog.  If you were faithfully checking to see if I had anything new, I apologize!  It was the compatibility issue with the new browser Microsoft Edge and this blogger website.  Mike updated my laptop's operating system to Windows 10 and Edge.  I am not so much liking the Windows 10 because what I loved about using my Surface was the large panel touch screen interface.  It now works more like a traditional operating system and I am not sure why they chose to go back to having a small pop up menu when you press the Window's start button.  Anyway, enough about the new operating system.  Now that I figured out how to post pictures again, it's all good to go.

We have been having a pretty mild fall so far after the hot summer.  We are starting to get chilly mornings though and I finally pulled out the thick winter coats for the kids.  They leave home wearing them, but they never have their jackets on when they return from school.  It is still warm during the day.  It is about to change though this week since highs expected are going to be in mid 50s.  We don't expect a cold winter again this year.  I bet it is not going to snow much, either.  A bad news for farmers and winter sports enthusiasts.  It has been very tough on them for the past few years. 

We took the kids to a lake called Rattlesnake Lake in early October to see a dry lake bed that has been exposed due to drought.  I really wanted to check it out because a part of the village which went underwater by a bad flood in early 1900s reappeared.  That sounded so interesting to me because I love anything historical.   The small village was called Mocton and housed about 200 people.  You can read more about Mocton here:

The lake was so pretty with many mysteriously large tree trunks.  I suspect the trees were cut when the railroad was built.  The tree trunks had rectangular holes cut out to put a wooden plank in to stand on it while chopping the tree.  The kids were mesmerized by the sights they have never seen before.  Noah soon ran towards the water, tried to get in, got a bit wet, and then ran towards then tree trunks and climbed many of them.  The girls and Sean had fun climbing on as well and competed each other in climbing more challenging trunks.  We took many pictures and enjoyed a beautiful day together. 

When Noah climbed onto a tall giant tree trunk, Mike and I didn't know there was a large hole in the middle of the trunk.  As soon as we noticed it, we immediately tried to get Noah off because we were afraid he would fall and won't be able to get him out.  Noah must have read our mind - despite our plea he disappeared into the dark tree trunk and he cried since it was dark down there and he could not move.  Oh, Darn!!! Was my thought.  Mike quickly climbed on to see how bad it was and his expression didn't look promising.  At that point, I asked Mike if I should call 911 and had a vision of flashing red fire trucks, ambulance and my face as red as those vehicles standing by shamefully.  Mike though got his hulk out and managed to reach Noah's finger tips to pull him out.   I was glad he trains his muscles in the garage that moment because it looked like he used all his power to rescue Noah.  Noah also has a very strong grip so it was a team effort.  I am glad we didn't have to call the rescue team.  That would have been a nightmare!! 

We quickly retreated from the scene and decided to go to a pumpkin patch at a nearby farm in effort to bring the fun back to the weekend.  Carnation WA is a beautiful area with pristine rivers and grassy green fields.  There are many farms that grow fresh fruits and veggies there and it is our go to place to get a little country in us when the weather is nice.  Remlinger Farm is the largest in the area and they created quite an enterprise with children's little amusement park with education centers and producing series of merchandise from fruits pies to salsas.  They are quite tasty.  We particularly like their strawberry rhubarb pie and avocado tomatillo salsa!  Yummy stuff!   We had fun in corn maze and took some pictures at their pumpkin patch.  We had some fresh ice cream at their food court and certainly were successful at cleansing the bad taste from the tree trunk incident!

I have tons more to write about, but I will be just glad I have one new post to report!

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