Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Halloween Manic

Hi Everyone!  The mountains and forests are very pretty right now with trees on their way to grand finale of their cycle.  It's a busy season for us humans, especially in America, since one of the top three holidays are coming.  Well, one of them just passed last weekend and I am still recovering from the hype. 

We decorated for Halloween outside of the house in early October.  The kids like to help decorate since they want to make our house look spooky for the visitors.  We visited a couple of Halloween stores to see what they have but the kids were so scared of the displays, Sean and Aly never made it inside!  Saya was picked up by Mike and had no choice but go in.  The only kid who didn't care was Noah.  He wanted to touch skeletons and creepy dolls even. 

I made many trips to the local party supply store where they sell lots of Halloween goods since another Mom and I were in charge of organizing two Halloween parties for two classes.  Cindy did the most of the work but I was still busy with preparations.  The 4th graders and 1st graders had a good time at the party.  Of course, the 1st graders were adorable in their costumes and 4th graders were just as cute.  I sometimes treat Sean like he is a teen, but then they are still quite immature even though they want to think they are too cool.  They were squealing and giggling just like the 1st graders :-)  Unfortunately, I could not help out with Alyson's class party.  I promised I will come see her at the next party.

Two nights before the Halloween, I suddenly decided to decorate the dining room with ghostly Victorian style theme.  Sometimes when I am busy, I have an urge to even cram more things in.  It probably is a self-destructive behavior but to others "wow, you are a good Mom" thing.  I think though that I actually enjoy decorating house for the holiday.  I thought it would be fun to surprise the kids in the morning with a fabulous Halloween decoration.  I actually ran to the party supply store at 10 pm (they were open until 12) to get more spooky things to add!  The result was quite good in my opinion.  I created a spooky banquet hall in our dining room with skeleton table cloth, green lighting and few skeletons on the table.  I even threw on the dead roses from the bouquet I bought the week before.  On the chair sat "Skelty", the evil skeleton, ready to dine with the kids.  The wall was covered with portraits of vampires, witches and monsters, and I covered the laundry room door with a picture of dark hallway.   I almost bought a fog maker but I talked myself down. 

The kids couldn't believe it!  They were scared at first, but soon they were checking out the decorations and smiling big.  Noah and Saya were a bit afraid of the wall pictures, but they soon got used to them.  I did have to remove Skelty from the chair because Sean kept teasing the girls with him.  I stayed up late too late for this to happen, but it was worth it!  I will do it again next year.  Many of the Halloween items were gone the night before, so I will be sure to shop earlier next year!

Nana came over to hand out candies to the neighborhood children.  Mike stayed with Noah and Nana since he was very tired.  I took the three children out to trick or treating in the light rain with the Collins. We hit at least 30 homes and the kids collected impressive amount of treats.  The highlight was again the corner house up the hill.  They always have interactive Halloween experience which the kids are terrified of.  Their three teen boys wear scary masks and chase children with the fake chainsaw.  It is a bit much but really no harm is done.  I saw one little girl screaming and shouting at the boys "don't scare me!  I am only little!!" and was ready to burst into tears.  I told the boy "hey, you guys are scaring away the kids," and his response was "that means more candies for us!"  I had to laugh.  The two boys with chainsaw chased Sean and poor Sean ran away terrified.  The girls were screaming and crying at the same time.  They wanted to go home after that, so we hit a couple of more houses and went home.  They each ate one candy and went to bed.  They were pretty tired after the fun filled day.

Jen and I hit the Capital Hill after that to have some fun.  We decided to make this annual event because we all need to loosen up and have fun once in a while.  Capital Hill is a Halloween capital of Seattle since there are many gay bars in the area.  I just love to people watch and admire their costumes because some of them are very creative.   We met a few people and one of them invited us to an invitation only UNIQLO grand opening party tomorrow.  I am so excited because UNIQLO is one of my favorite Japanese clothing brand and Seahawks' Jermaine Kearse is coming, too!  Now I need to think about what to wear.  I plan to take my big camera and maybe pretend like I am a seasoned photographer :-)  It will be a fun night for sure.  It shows it's worth throwing Mom bums to bars once in a while!

We had a super fun Halloween. I hope you had a good one, too!

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