Sunday, February 21, 2016

Happy 8th Birthday Twins!

It's hard to believe, my miracle babies are 8 years old already!  Eight years ago seems so long and my memory is starting to fade a little.  It almost doesn't seem so real to me any more, those night shifts I had with the squirmy tiny babies.  When I first found out we are pregnant with twins, I was so excited but worried at the same time.  Twin pregnancy is risky.  I swore I would do anything to keep the babies healthy and until the safe gestation.  The twins came five weeks early, I was so worried they might not be ready for the life outside.  Then the hectic schedule with an active 2-year-old and baby twins broke me, a few times, that I cannot keep on going like this anymore.  People told me it will all get better, and it did.  When I found a peace with the schedule, we found out we are having another baby in 9 months.  We were stunned and scared again as it seemed impossible to squeeze in anything else, in particular another human baby.  When the twins were waddling 14 months, little Saya wailed her tiny self out to the world.  As much as I anticipated chaos, I was very calm.  I was surprised at how relaxed I was with caring for a newborn and three toddlers (Sean was 3).  I think that is because the twins made me a toughie and it became a foundation on who I am now. 

We celebrated twins birthday with a cake and a party at Chuck E. Cheese for Alyson.  Noah had a birthday party at school, which I could not attend since it fell on two Valentine's party I was in charge of.  This year, I baked a chocolate cake with chocolate whipped cream and peaches inside.  Alyson requested a Beanie Boo black cat this year for the decoration and she picked it out on the Internet.  I hadn't baked for months so I was actually excited to bake her cake.  It was a busy week with school commitments, but I was able to get everything done (barely on time of course) by the party time.  Most of Aly's girl classmates were able to come and we had a good time.  As I wrote before, I am not a fan of Chuck E. Cheese but must admit it was a great hit!  The girls were at the perfect age to play with games independently and they were having so much fun.  Even, when Chuck E. came out to the party area, Alyson and her guests were still young enough to be excited to hug him and dance with him.  The boys group at next table, maybe about third graders, were completely still when Chuck E. came out and they were not dancing at all.  They were too cool for Chuck E.  I was able to chat with some parents and it was even fun for me, too.  I love meeting other parents and exchanging information about how the year is going. 

We sang Noah the birthday song the next day.  He was so cute with his big cheeks, staring at the candle while we sang to him.  I love that boy so much.  He made the biggest leap this year becoming proficient in using his iPad to communicate.  His thing now is typing in the word he cannot read into the reading app and learning to pronounce the words.  For example, when he sees Sean's thermos, he enters t h e r m o s and plays the sound.  He repeats "thermos" several times to learn it.  I was looking at what he was reading on iPad yesterday and he was practicing the word "Affirm".  That kid is going to be able to spell words like champs.  I am so proud of him for having strong curiosity and interest in words. May need to get serious about college saving for him.

Thank you Noah and Alyson for being born to Daddy and I.  You made Mommy strong and confident which became essential part of who I am.  Alyson, you are so pretty I stare at you all the time when you are not looking.   You made me happy when you said you are going to take care of Noah when you grow up.  You had a matured look on your face and I felt like I saw a glimpse of how you are as a young adult.  Mommy and Daddy are looking forward to seeing you grow every year.  We love you so so much!

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