Sunday, February 28, 2016

My baby boy is 10!

We have a new two-digit-aged resident in the house!  Sean turned 10 yesterday and we celebrated his birthday with his friends at home with a Seahawks themed birthday party.  He wanted to make sure his party is the best birthday party ever.  He and I sat down and had a "meeting" to talk about what kind of activities and food he wants. 

Sean's Epic Party Ever Schedule:

3:30 - 4:00  Free Play and Introduction
4:00 - 4:15  Scavenger Hunt - Finding pictures of football Sean hid through out the house for a prize.
4:30 - 5:00  Free Play
5:00 - 5:15  Carnival - Hoola hoop contest, bowling game, football target game etc...
5:20 - 5:30  PiƱata
5:30 - 6:00  Pizza and Cake
6:00 -          Parents pick up

We didn't follow the schedule and we skipped Carnival part entirely since the boys were having fun playing football outside.  Mike was home and he jumped in to help with the party.  He used his football coaching skill to show the boys a few trick plays and they had a lot of fun together.  It's nice to hear children's laughter and content noises of good old ball play outside.  I felt happy looking at the boys play and having a good time.  Sean was grinning ear to ear surrounded by friends at home.
I am not sure if it was epic, but I think he and the guests had a pretty good time.

I am no longer a youngish 30 something with a cute baby boy but a middle aged Mom with a tween.  Every year is passing by so fast.  Soon, he will be in junior high and then gets a driver's license and goes off to college.  I have to make sure I enjoy his small frame now before he changes to a bulky tall guy like Daddy, although I am not sure if Sean would ever become a muscle type.  He is quite skinny like how I was and hates it just like I did!   He still calls me Mommy and doesn't mind taking bath with his sisters.  I have to enjoy it while I can.  I feel the change is coming in the next few years...

My Sean at 10:

- He gained about 5 pounds since last summer and he is excited that he is over 60 pounds.
- His best friends are Parker and James. 
- He says he doesn't like girls and he doesn't know what to talk to them about but I think he is starting to take interest in them.
- He is waiting for his growth spurt and complains that many of his friends are taller than him now.
- He is starting to show the desire to be popular and thinks a boy named Luke is popular because he talks a lot.
- He thinks sagging pants are cool and he is considering wearing his pants slightly lower (no bueno).
- He still has to win everything at home or he Will throw a tantrum.
- He is scared of thunder storms and refuses to sleep in his bed when he hears it at night.
- Spiders are not his friends.
- I still make his vegetable "talk" to encourage him to eat them.  e.g.  "Sean, why can't I join the party in your tummy?," says the celery.
- He names everything Dick now.
- He discretely thinks his sisters are cute, but Aly often annoying.
- He likes to make Noah laugh.
- He thinks Aly is beautiful but her voice and appearance don't match.
- He lost his favorite doll, Woody, and quite sad about that.
- He knows so much about planets, stars, constellation and space in general and he learned them by reading his astronomy books.
- He still likes architecture and he builds amazing things with his Lego's.
- He calls Patriots are Patrionts.
- His favorite subject is Social Studies.  He is currently learning about Oregon Trail and he loves learning about it.

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