Sunday, May 22, 2016

Happy 7th Birthday, Saya!

This is what Saya had to say about her party.

In my birthday, I played a game. I really liked it. It was fun.  My favorite part was eating.  My favorite food was the chocolate cream cookies,  I had a chocolate kitty cake with strawberry cream filling.  My Mommy made it for me.  All of my friends came to my birthday party.  After eating we went outside to play.  We played on the see-saw and the swing.  We also rode on the little tricycles.  I had a good party.  I liked all the presents, too!


Saya celebrated her 7th birthday with friends at home.  Most of her friends from school came and she had lots of fun celebrating with her pals.  Little girls can party hard, is what I learned!  We had a good time though.  I hoped Mike stayed to help out but he cleverly left and I was alone with 10 little girls.  We played scavenger hunt, did flip flop craft and piƱata on the deck.  A little girl bumped her head and kept crying and I felt so bad for her.  Since I was by myself I couldn't properly comfort her and that is one regret I have about the day.  She was OK though and I think I will invite her for a playdate again so that she won't have a bad memory about being at our house :-)

Saya at 7:

- She does not like to lose and she will throw a massive tantrum when others do better than her. 
- She enjoys writing short stories about animals.  Her funniest or craziest story she wrote is "Go to War" and it's a story about a dog named Lily who wants to go to a war and fight.
- She is a very good student.  Focused and always score perfect on spelling and geography.
- She started saying "I don't care!" when I tell her something.  I do not like that.
- Her favorite food is cheese pizza.  She tends to like creamy things like cheese and I wonder if she will have a cholesterol problem in the future.  I need to make sure I teach good eating habits.
- She still has the cutest bottom.
- She hates frozen.
- Her favorite toy is Lego.  She wants to be like her brother and build neat things with it.
- She says she wants to be a Vet. 
- She likes gymnastics and working hard to get to the next level. 
- Her favorite animal is arctic fox.
- Her favorite book is "Sheep" by Valerie Hobbs. 
- Her reading level is L or it could be higher by now.  She is a very good reader!

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