Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sean's First Haircut

The summer is just around the corner and it was the time for Sean to get a big boy summer look. Mommy and Sean went to a salon in Issaquah to cut his baby curl es. Mommy was very sad about losing Sean's beautiful curl es, but decided it's time to let it go. We talked about cutting hair on the way and he didn't seem to mind. When we entered the salon, he was happy to see all the bright colors and toys in there. It's a salon exclusively for kids and they have airplane and fire truck seats. They even have a TV in front of each seat and the nice lady popped in a Thomas video for Sean. He insisted on not wearing a cape and Mommy was worried if he is going to cry. However, he did surprisingly well and did not drop any tears. He played with a Thomas and a fire truck toy. He didn't much care for the water spray but was a very good boy. He was wiggly and Mommy was thinking, this must be equivalent to dancing while cutting hair. He enjoyed watching his own hair fall and was saying bye-bye to it. Now that he doesn't have a long hair, he looks older and definitely is a boy! Good job, Sean!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Smiles and Giggles

Noah and Alyson both smiles and laughs regularly and brightening days for Mommy and Daddy. It's a big reward for the hard work and they get more kisses in response! Sean is becoming a very good big brother despite a rocky start. He loves to give kisses to the babies and wants to carry them around if he could. The babies are starting to sleep longer at night for about 7 hours and everyone, including the babies, are happy about that. Daddy will go back to work from June, so we'll enjoy the last week together. Hopefully, the weather will be cheerly like today!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Grandpa's Visit

The twins met grandpa, Shasha and grandma Marie for the first time on Sunday. They were not shy like Sean was, giving them smiles and making cooing noises. Grandpa pushed Sean in the swing in the newly redone backyard and had a good time. We mainly sat on the porch as the weather was beautiful and enjoyed the company. They brought two complete dinners, even brought mustard and ketchup! Thanks for thinking of us!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Twins Belated 2 months Check Up

We finally had the twins' 2 month check up today. Before the appointment, Daddy and Mommy took the twins for an energizing aerobics class at the gym. We carried the babies (Daddy volunteered to carry Noah, the chunkster) in the front baby carrier and danced to the aerobics routine. The babies were wide-eyed at first, but both of them actually fell asleep, only to be awaken for ab crunches exercise. Noah was not happy about that and Daddy had to comfort him. After we sweat on babies, we dashed back home, showered, fed the babies and off we went to the doctor's appointment. The appointment was great!
Here are the stats:
Noah 15 pounds and 2 ounces, 24 inches and 1/4 long (6861g 61.6 cm)
Alyson 14 pounds and 3 ounces, 25 inches long (6435g, 63.5 cm)

They are both above 90% in height and weight and totally caught up to the full term babies.
We are very proud of them!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sweet Aly

I wanted to share a sweet shot of Alyson. She's sound asleep on the swing.

Not So Extreme Home Makeover - The Campbell's Edition

We are decorating the kids' playroom in the basement and headed for IKEA on Friday with the twins while Sean is in the daycare. The twins didn't seem too excited about going shopping but did pretty well. We purchased some rugs for the floor, mini table and chairs and some little items for fun. The room is far from being completed, but started to look more like a playroom than a storage/cats' pad. Now, Toohey and Grace will have to get their act together and behave.

We hired Carlos, a hard-working Mexican landscaper to work on the eye sore backyard. He'd already cleared most of the areas and ready to put some fresh barks on top. We are super excited for the end result. Sean likes to watch him work from our living room window. He speaks very little English, so Mommy is able to practice her rusty Spanish.
The clip below is Noah complaining that he's bored. There is a surprise at the end. :-)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nana's Visit

Nana visited us for 5 days and met the twins for the first time. The twins each had a cuddle time or two with her and looked pretty happy together. Thanks, Nana for visiting. We hope we didn't exhaust you too much and scare you away!

Sean is showing remarkable memory ability these days. He is learning words instantly and is proud to use them. He is in the terrible two stage, but not everything is terrible for sure. He is at a very cute stage where he is kind of like a baby in some ways, but he tries to act like a big boy. He can also communicate better with us and it adds more depth to the everyday world.

The twins will be 3 month old next week. Noah is getting chunkier than ever whereas Aly is somewhat on the slim side. She rolled over from tummy to back several times now. We missed the second month appointment and has been rescheduled to next week. oops! We will let you know the stats when we find out!
The clip below shows Sean reading Japanese. He passes gas towards the end of the clip and we are all laughing about it. Farts are funny! (this is Daddy's famous quote.)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Caught in the act

When it is quiet in the house, Sean is up to something. Like yesterday, Sean took out the entire box of tissues and was burying Grace with them and ripped them to pieces. He thought it was so funny that a small piece of tissues can fly up on a toy that blows out air. My best friend from Japan sent me a cool pair of Adidas shoes and he quickly spotted it and was wearing it around the house. In his eyes, everything in the house is a toy hence the house is a giant toy box!