Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Twins Belated 2 months Check Up

We finally had the twins' 2 month check up today. Before the appointment, Daddy and Mommy took the twins for an energizing aerobics class at the gym. We carried the babies (Daddy volunteered to carry Noah, the chunkster) in the front baby carrier and danced to the aerobics routine. The babies were wide-eyed at first, but both of them actually fell asleep, only to be awaken for ab crunches exercise. Noah was not happy about that and Daddy had to comfort him. After we sweat on babies, we dashed back home, showered, fed the babies and off we went to the doctor's appointment. The appointment was great!
Here are the stats:
Noah 15 pounds and 2 ounces, 24 inches and 1/4 long (6861g 61.6 cm)
Alyson 14 pounds and 3 ounces, 25 inches long (6435g, 63.5 cm)

They are both above 90% in height and weight and totally caught up to the full term babies.
We are very proud of them!!

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