Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nana's Visit

Nana visited us for 5 days and met the twins for the first time. The twins each had a cuddle time or two with her and looked pretty happy together. Thanks, Nana for visiting. We hope we didn't exhaust you too much and scare you away!

Sean is showing remarkable memory ability these days. He is learning words instantly and is proud to use them. He is in the terrible two stage, but not everything is terrible for sure. He is at a very cute stage where he is kind of like a baby in some ways, but he tries to act like a big boy. He can also communicate better with us and it adds more depth to the everyday world.

The twins will be 3 month old next week. Noah is getting chunkier than ever whereas Aly is somewhat on the slim side. She rolled over from tummy to back several times now. We missed the second month appointment and has been rescheduled to next week. oops! We will let you know the stats when we find out!
The clip below shows Sean reading Japanese. He passes gas towards the end of the clip and we are all laughing about it. Farts are funny! (this is Daddy's famous quote.)

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