Saturday, May 10, 2008

Not So Extreme Home Makeover - The Campbell's Edition

We are decorating the kids' playroom in the basement and headed for IKEA on Friday with the twins while Sean is in the daycare. The twins didn't seem too excited about going shopping but did pretty well. We purchased some rugs for the floor, mini table and chairs and some little items for fun. The room is far from being completed, but started to look more like a playroom than a storage/cats' pad. Now, Toohey and Grace will have to get their act together and behave.

We hired Carlos, a hard-working Mexican landscaper to work on the eye sore backyard. He'd already cleared most of the areas and ready to put some fresh barks on top. We are super excited for the end result. Sean likes to watch him work from our living room window. He speaks very little English, so Mommy is able to practice her rusty Spanish.
The clip below is Noah complaining that he's bored. There is a surprise at the end. :-)

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