Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Our first big trip to Boise

We've made it!

Our first big trip to Boise was loud and colorful but let's do it annually type of experience. We were able to see Grandpa Bob and Shasha, Grandma Marie, Uncle Kirk, Aunt Wilma, their funny neighbor Hempkers, Mike's friend Mike, my dear friends Rumi, Kerrick, Ayako and Hazuki, Mr. & Mrs. Hirai, and my sweet fellow twin Mommy, Kimberley and her babies, Bodie and Annelise. A trip like this makes one realize how lucky you are to have them in your life. Boise was as beautiful as we'd remembered and even better. Some may say the city has grown too big but to me, it is still small but then it has all the amenities a big city can offer.

Instead of posting all the pictures at once, I will post some of them at a time so they can easily be explained and seen.
The first picture is with Kimberley and her twins Bodie and Annelise. Kim and I met online through a wonderful message board. She has such a positive vibe and is an inspiration for one tired mother of three here. It was taken in my hotel room and Bodie was exploring the area crawling and Annelise was happy observing the new surrounding. Alyson sat in the bumbo seat the entire time and she was as happy as a clam. Noah was napping on the bed but woke up and joined the party later. Sean was in a good mood and busy jumping around the room. He must have thought,' look, another two babies! my family isn't as crazy as it appears.' We had a nice visit and glad we were able to meet up. Thanks Kimberley for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and see us!

Our hotel was quite nice and we were able to relax as much as you can at a hotel. We were in a two bedroom suite so Mike and Sean slept in one room, twins slept in their cots in the living room and I was able to take one room all to myself! It worked out pretty well. They had a decent free breakfast bar at the lobby so we were able to pick out whatever Sean was in the mood for. He had his first donut there. They had an international scale bike race going on that weekend and some cyclists were staying at our hotel. They looked pretty fit (even more so in their tight clothing) and I looked like a different species, shoving left over donut in my mouth. Mike overheard them saying "Good luck in Beijing", so they must be participating the Olympics. How cool is that. I wish I had gotten their names so that I can root for them.

The second photo was also taken at the hotel and Mike and Aly just hanging on the couch. I will write more later along with more photos.

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