Sunday, July 13, 2008

Twins 5 months!

Last Friday, the twins turned 5 months old! They are not as sleepy now and definitely up for more play. They might be starting the stranger anxiety alreay because sometimes they cry if being held by others. They are growing up so fast!! We are preparing for the first big trip as a family of five to Boise. We booked a suite hotel near Downtown and BSU, our old turf. We are making plans with family and friends and it should be a lot of fun. I am also meeting up with a twin mommy I met online and super excited to meet her in person! This trip is proven to be very expensive as we had to buy a number of things such as Cargo Box, bike rack, portable DVD player etc... They are something which will get a lot of use anyway, so let's not feel guilty here! We'll have quite a busy schedule while in Boise (and Lewiston), but we want to see as many people as possible! So excited!!
Aren't Alyson's cheeks just adorablly pinchable? Noah's hair is starting to come out but his hair is a very soft fuzz!

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