Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sean Day

Mike and I were both off work on Friday and Amy watched the twins, so Sean, Mike and I went to the Pacific Science Center to spend some alone time. There was a butterfly exhibit and we were able to see the colorful butterflies flying around in a warm walk-in enclosure. Sean thought it was so neat to see so many of them flapping around. He basically was ecstatic running around the center at his will. We went to see the dinosaurs again and he was a little scared so clung to Mike. Afterwards, we went to have some Italian food at a restaurant nearby. He was so tired by the time we got home but had a very fun outing.

Bed Fight

Sean, Daddy, Noah and Aly were on the bed playing. Noah sat with Daddy, but Aly and Sean were playing rough!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is Noah and Aly's first and Sean's third Thanksgiving. We always have dinner with friends but this year we are spending time at home because most of us have cold. Mike and Sean went to pick up Chinese duck and roasted pork at Chinatown downtown. Sean loves the fried rice from Uwajimaya's deli, so they picked that up, too. We had the dinner around 1:00 pm and it was delicious, I heard. Too bad I couldn't taste anything due to my cold! All of the kids and Mike are napping right now and I wish I were, too! It's a lazy Thanksgiving day for us this year!

Kids Sick

All of us except Mike is sick with cold. Poor babies are having the hardest time with it. They have so much mucus that their nose is always wet and constantly coughing... Now the babysitter, Amy, is getting sick, too, poor girl. I've had congestion and coughs also and my voice sounds horrible. I think the worst part is over though, hopefully!

We were planning to go to our friend's Kumiko's house for Thanksgiving, but we decided to stay home due to kids being sick. Instead, Mike and Sean went to Chinatown to pick up roast duck and pork. We just won't tell Sean that it's duckie. It's a gorgeous day out here with sunshine, but very cold. We'll keep the babies indoors for a little while so that they can recover quickly.

Will post some more photos of Thanksgiving later today!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Twins 9 months!

Aly and Noah had their 9 month well check with Dr. Uyeno. Our nanny, Amy, came along to help out. On the way to the clinic, I got a speeding ticket! The police must have been aiming to ticket as many people as possible because when I was stopped, two other cars were stopped as well. A big bummer!! But then, this is my very first traffic violation in my 18 years driving history, so it's not so bad. So, I am convincing myself so!!
The appointment went very well!
Here are the stats:

Height 29 inches 95%
Weight 21 lbs and 13 ounces 90%
Height 29 3/4 inches 90%
Weight 21 lb 6 ounces
I can't believe Aly is heavier than Noah, especially because she is more active than him. She feels lighter to me but I guess she must shift her weight better when being held. Who knows.
Aly has to have a follow up appointment with Orthopedist for her spine, but other than that they are both healthy. They both got four shots including the flu vaccine and they were not too happy about that. They did great though, flashing smiles at everyone.

Will attach Sean's baby picture at his 9 mos appointment for comparison. He was more than an inch taller than the twins and weight-wise the same.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Adventure with the News

Aly and Noah are experimenting with food at the moment. They are starting to eat chunkier food like cubed sweet potatoes, biter cookies, cereal snacks, bananas and crackers. Aly has mastered to self-feed very well and Noah is still working on pincer grasp. They were introduced to the sippy cups and although they have not figured out how to use it, they think it's a fun thing to bang on the table.

Alyson, whenever we are in the kitchen, pops in and say hello by crawling all the way from the living room. Noah wishes he could move, I can see it in his eyes! But we do like the idea of one moving baby, not two. Aly also has mastered the art of waving bye-bye and saying "mama" for Mommy. She also was showing off her clapping skills in front of a large mirror in our bedroom. Is she ever going to slow down? She will be always on the go and up to something new, we figure.

So, we started to get "congratulations" from friends and family about my pregnancy. It is starting to hit me that we are going to have a fourth, a fourth!!!, child. I am an only child and never had to share a room or anything with anyone. So, it is going to be a learning experience for me, what it is like to have a large family. Personally, I like the idea always having enough number of people to play card or board games!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Alyson Crawling!

On Friday evening while I was on the phone with my Mom in Japan, Alyson started to crawl! We knew it was coming very soon but once that happened, we were so excited. She still moves very slowly but I know she'll be zooming by in a few days. We are very excited, but now we have to baby proof the house again. Unlike Sean who never put anything in his mouth, my twins are the total oposit. They have to check everything out first by putting them in their mouth. So, we really have to watch them carefully. We are very proud of Alyson for achieving another milestone!

I will post some random pictures taken recently. On weekends, we take Sean out in the mornings so that he can get some alone time with either Mommy or Daddy. Daddy took him to the mall's new play area and he loved it. On a rainy day, a facility like that gets packed around here!

Alyson and Noah can play together but Alyson always takes toys away from Noah. Noah of course cries for help. Anything Noah has, Alyson wants it. I guess this is probably the case for many years to come. Hopefully, they will develop different tastes in toys.


Hi Everyone,
Today, we have a special announcement. Mike and I are expecting another baby next May. I am currently 14 weeks and everything is progressing very well. I recently took a blood test and gone through an ultrasound examination. Everything is normal thus far and we are very excited to welcome this new baby. We are so busy we sometimes forget that we are pregnant again, however the little one, who is already shaped like a human being - kicking and sucking thumb, is any less special to us. In a time like this, we are really fortunate to have a house full of kids and a cozy home. I am sure it will be a little difficult in the first two years, but we are psyched up and determined to get through it with lots of love and patience! Loe Mike & Kimi

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Kids

Halloween was a little caotic sice we now have three little ones, but we had fun. We went to the Factoria mall since it was raining. In the mall there is a small kid's museum and the entrace fee was free last night. They have several play areas with interesting displays and Sean had a wonderful time exploring. He paticularly liked the water display and he made his costume soaking wet on the arms! The bumble bee twins had a bottle while Sean played and were very curious. Sean was a chicken again this year since the costume still fit. He wasn't particularly corperative with pictures so we only have one picture of him. The twins were excellent models and we've gotten some cute ones.

Once we got home, neighborhood kids came knocking on the door for some candies. We had a good turn out this year and glad we bought some extra candies. But still, we have a bowl full of chocolates and Mommy is pleading Daddy to just take them to work, out of this home!