Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Kids

Halloween was a little caotic sice we now have three little ones, but we had fun. We went to the Factoria mall since it was raining. In the mall there is a small kid's museum and the entrace fee was free last night. They have several play areas with interesting displays and Sean had a wonderful time exploring. He paticularly liked the water display and he made his costume soaking wet on the arms! The bumble bee twins had a bottle while Sean played and were very curious. Sean was a chicken again this year since the costume still fit. He wasn't particularly corperative with pictures so we only have one picture of him. The twins were excellent models and we've gotten some cute ones.

Once we got home, neighborhood kids came knocking on the door for some candies. We had a good turn out this year and glad we bought some extra candies. But still, we have a bowl full of chocolates and Mommy is pleading Daddy to just take them to work, out of this home!

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