Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Saya's 1 month well check

Little Saya had her 1 month well check appointment on Tuesday. She is a whooping 10 lbs 15 ouncer and 23 inches long. She wins the biggest baby at 1 month contest amongst my kids. The Dr. said she's really healthy and well. She is already taking 6 ounces per feeding session, so no wonder she is big! The first month zoomed by so quickly that I am afraid the rest of the year goes too fast for my taste. She is our last baby and want her to stay little as long as possible (minus the sleep deprivation part).

Going to the zoo!

Sean and Daddy watching the hipps (Sean has a concerned look)
Hippos minding their own business
Alyson enjoying the zoo
On the way to the zoo -- Aly was being naughty by spitting

We took Alyson and Sean to the zoo last Sunday as it was a really nice day while Noah and Saya stayed home with Grandma. Sean was so excited to see the animals and Aly was so happy to be outdoors. Sean was afraid of the Komodo Dragons, Hippos and Donkeys, but had a really good time saying hi to the animals and running between the exhibits. Alyson was so focused on walking and I am not sure if she noticed any animals at all (at least she saw some Zebras), but she had a lot of fun. So much fun that she refused to hold Mommy's hand while walking. People around thought she was the cutest thing. The zoo was full of kids all ages and everyone seemed to be having a really good time.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Long Road

My body is having hard time getting back to normal. After delivery, I had some allergic reaction to something used in surgery and had hives all over my body. I took some medications and it got getter but now that I am off it, it is coming back again. Caring for Saya is not difficult but this road to recovery is very hard. I am glad that I don't have to go through this again anymore.

Saya is growing so quickly. She will be 4 weeks old tomorrow and 1 mo-old on Monday! She's getting chunky around her belly and face. She wears 3 to 6 mos-sized clothes already. She sleeps well at night and we are thankful she's been pretty mellow so far.

The nanny Amy braided Aly's hair today and she looked like a big girl. I don't know how she did it as Aly won't normally let me do her hair.
I am pretty high on Benedryl right now so I better stop here before I type something weired.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


The twins are really cute together these days. They play more together and "talk" more. Alyson likes to give Noah big hugs where they'll collapse together getting off balance. Alyson's also a snatcher and steals anything that Noah has, which makes him very upset (but kind of cute to watch). In the afternoon, they chase each other around the dining table, giggling like mad. It's so special to have twins and we are having so much fun watching them grow!
Noah walking:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Saya's 2 weeks well check

Noah with funny hair do
Hiya Alyson~!
With Grandma!
Don't call me a newborn because I am not!

Little Saya had a two weeks check up on 5/11 with Dr. Uyeno. All our four kids see Dr. Uyeno and we are very pleased with his expertise and care. Little Saya is not so little anymore apparently! She's 8 lbs 15 ounces and 22 inches long. She is very healthy and growing strong. No wonder her newborn diapers look like speedos now. She has already grown out of her newborn sized clothes and even some of her 3 month clothes. She's very tall, off the chart they said.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Welcoming Saya Elizabeth Campbell

On a quiet night at 2:57 on 4/25 in a bright operating room, Saya Elizabeth Campbell made a grand entrance to the world with a healthy wail. She was 7 lbs and 9 ounces and 21 inches long with pink undertone. I was scheduled to have a C-section at 7:30 am on April 27, but Saya had a plan on her own. I had steady wave of contraction from the early evening and decided to check myself in at 11:00 pm. I was 4 cm dilated already and the nurse confirmed that I was going to have a baby that day! We were thrilled but I felt a little guilty to make my doctor operate on me in the middle of the night.

Dr. Rogers with I-just-woke-up-hair chewing gum, came in and greeted us before the operation. I felt nervous of course but looking at a team of professionals prepping in front of us like they have done this million of times calmed me down. The anesthesiologist was particularly taking extra steps to comfort me by joking with us and acting cheerful. I appreciated his thoughtfulness!

The first night with Saya in the recovery room was exhausting as you can imagine, but I was like a seasoned pro at caring for her. After all, this is my 4th baby! 4th!! Being an only child myself, I've never ever imagined having four children of my own. A nurse volunteered to watch Saya during the night from the second and third day, so I was able to get some rest.

The rest of the family came and visited me and little Saya the next day, 26th. Sean was thrilled to meet her and he was smiling, pointing and giggling at Saya for every little noises she made. It was really cute to watch Sean being sweet. Noah and Alyson are too young and they didn't take much interest in the baby at the hospital. However, they are so curious and have been wanting to play with her once we got home.

Saya is a very sleepy baby (still) and I would say that she wins the sleeping contest amongst all my four kids. Maybe I have gotten lucky this time! Let's hope she will keep sleeping and being mellow like she has been. No, she does not have te high pitch cry like my other three children and she is very much a tolerable as far as noise-level goes. She looks like Daddy and a little bit like Sean.

We have a two weeks check up on Wed for her and will post the progress once we get the stats.

Thank you all for your warm wishes for Saya and our big family. We are very happy and excited to have a new and final addition. Now our family is complete.