Monday, August 31, 2009

Noah Gets Booboo

Sometimes being a little brother means being pushed and shoved on to a rock. Poor Noah got hurt above the right eye because Sean pushed him and hit a rock in the yard. Sean got a good time out but would this saga ever end? I am thinking not.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sean gets a bike!

We got a driveway guard so that the kids won't run off to the street!
Sean knew exactly where things go.

Sean has been riding a bike at the daycare for a while but we wanted to get his own hot wheels at home, too, so that he can get some exercises. Daddy found a shabby little bike at Target with Lighting McQueen on it. He loves Lightning McQueen. He talks about the character in the movie all day long and he's obsessed with them. He was very keen on helping Daddy put together the bike and was so excited to try it out. It is a little big for Sean at this point but soon he'll be able to ride it like a pro. At this age, it's so hard to find a right size on anything! BTW, the tires were flat and that is why he couldn't ride it well in the video.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Saya 4 month!!

Our little chunky girl is 4 month old already. We do not have her 4 month well check until Sept 8, but I am sure she'd grown a ton! She can grasp an object now and able to hold a toy with her chubby hands. She laughed out loud the other day when Sean and Alyson were making funny noises. She also likes to be tickled under her chin. Her chin is almost triple fold and one cannot help but to poke at it to see how it feels. It is very soft, I might add. Her eyes are blue/hazel and they are gorgeous. She only likes to nurse and does not have much appreciation for a silicon nipple. She's a boobs girl. She'll start solids in a month and all I can say is, "here we go again!". More food-all-over-face pictures to come shortly!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What's Not to Love

As Saya's onesie says it, What's Not to Love?? I often smell their head, neck, tummy and butt of course for more practical purpose, just to try to register their scent into my brain. Life is such a miraculous gift and for us to have four of them, we are just so blessed.
We received some news about Sean's condition last week and the news is that he has a rare chromosome disorder. We do not want to label him and limit his potential, so we will continue on working with him with more diligence. He has made amazing progress in the past few weeks, so we are very proud of him. The Neuro doctor said he is a very smart boy and well yes, like we did not know! While we pursue some answers to why and what to expect regarding his genetic disorder, we ask all of our friends and family to stay positive. After feeling depressed and somewhat angry, we are coming to terms with the news and feeling pretty positive looking at the vibrant little boy.

Company Picnic

Noah likes to go against the stream
Aly trying out her climbing skills

Sean wanted to make sure Aly doesn't run away


Big boy and little boy

We went to the company picnic yesterday afternoon at the Vasa Park nearby. It's a privately owned RV park/campground/boat dock/beach and it reminds you of the 70s summer camp locale. Saya stayed home with Amy. It was a family friendly environment and the kids had a really good time running around. We all love free lunch and beer of course!

Visiting Grandpa, Shasha and Uncle Aaron

Noah was so tired he'd fallen asleep on the high chair!
Sean and Daddy enjoying the river.

Grandpa and Noah playing

Aaron and Daddy at dinner

Hi Aly!

Shasha and Saya hanging

Last Friday, we braved ourselves for a five hour car ride to grandpa Campbell's house in Lewiston. We left in the evening so that the kids would sleep most of the time. BUT, apart from Saya, most of the kids were up, Alyson screaming at times. FUN FUN FUN!! You gotta love the perks.
Once at grandpa's, the kids were so busy exploring every inch of grandpa's backyard and playing with grandpa, Shasha and uncle Aaron. They were very content that they were getting enough attention for a change. We went to the Snake river and three older kids were immersed in water getting themselves soaking wet. Sean enjoyed throwing rocks into the river. Aly and Uncle Aaron sat facing each other having lunch on grandpa's deck, sharing giggles and smiles. Seeing them so happy was worth the drive.

We left on Sunday evening after dinner and Noah was so tired, he'd fallen asleep on the high chair. We departed on Noah's high pitch screams and I am sure that sucked the last ounce of energy out of grandpa, Shasha and Aaron, but all in all we had a really good time. It's so nice to see you guys and we'll make sure we do this as much as we can!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Take me out to the ball game~

You gotta do the wave~
Ichiro in the background on the right

After this inning, things went sour!
Sorry Mike!

We went to our first Mariners game tonight, Mariners vs. Tampa Bay. We parked in Chinatown and walked over to Safeco Field. I was so excited to see the real major league baseball because baseball is very big in Japan. And of course, we can see live Ichiro for the first time!! We took the binocular to take a better look at the players, however forgot my camera!! I had a little tantrum at the stadium when I realized I left the camera behind at home!! After all, we don't get to do stuff like this very often and I wanted to capture everything!! Luckily Mike's cell phone has a camera, so it worked out ok in the end, although the quality is not very good. Mariners lost quite badly, but we had a great time. We did the wave, had $9 beers, booed, did the Ichiro chant and perhaps managed to be in the fan cam as the guys right behind us were on it. Couldn't ask for more - all for free thanks to Microsoft! Amy had a hard time with Aly as she was up until 10 pm but the house was nice and quiet when we got home at 11 pm. Thanks Amy!!

By the way, Ichiro was very cool! He runs cool, he swings cool, that guy's just blessed. Mike and I were saying even his back of the neck's cool and looks so clean cut. Ok, we sound like creepy groupies...

This week some signs

Saya is getting cuter everyday!
Aly after a storm, she's like a tropical rain!
Aly not happy about something
The Kiss

We are finally seeing some signs of Sean and the twins' ne
w amicable alliance forming. They play together more and Sean shares his toys with them more often. Twins now have a freedom to wonder around the house freely, including the staircase, so they are much happier. You would think they are more tired but then Alyson for some reason has been fighting her one and only nap in the afternoon and wouldn't sleep willingly at night, either. She'd cry and cry and we don't know what is bothering her. Thought it might be teething and we have given her Mortrin, but it doesn't help. I am hoping it is just a phase and she will outgrow it very soon.

Sean's talking more. We asked him which Wiggles song he likes and he mumbled a song title. We didn't know which one, so we asked him to sing it for us and he did. It was really cute. I think he is finally getting the enjoyment out of conversing with us and it is a HUGE step. We are so excited for his new interest and have a strong feeling that his speech will improve very quickly from now.

Saya is laying on the couch now, looking around. I don't remember twins nor Sean letting me have some quiet time like this. She's a very good baby. She is just round and soft and one of those that make people go "awwweee".

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Saya being slightly uncomfortable

Cute video of Saya being uncomfortable. Ordinary clip like this, I am sure, will be cherished in later years!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Underwares, here we come!

Peekaboo~ Where's Saya??Hanging out with Daddy

I am a Daddy's girl!

Here we are in August, I thought Saya would be sleeping through the night by now, however she's still waking up at 5 am-ish and taking a bottle at 11 pm. I feel a little nervous since Mike's going back to work next Monday but sleep will come hopefully soon! Sleeping is a beautiful thing and I sure miss it. Sean's been wearing a big boy underwear during the day. He is doing very well and has not had any accidents so far. We bought him a new set of underwear today at Gymboree and he's very excited about wearing them. I am a little annoyed that they only make boy's briefs with the rubber waist and those irritate Sean's skin. The set we got him today has more stretchy waist, so hopefully they are ok.

Something happened tonight at the bedtime while I read Sean a book about a little mouse. I asked him what is happening on a particular page and he was able to explain to me using the words I've never heard him use before. That proves that; 1) he is understanding what I am reading; 2) he knows far more words than I previously believed! So that is very exciting. He is starting to say "yeah" more and it is more pleasant to talk to him. We are patiently waiting for him to flourish verbally and I think we are seeing some positive signs!