Monday, August 3, 2009

Underwares, here we come!

Peekaboo~ Where's Saya??Hanging out with Daddy

I am a Daddy's girl!

Here we are in August, I thought Saya would be sleeping through the night by now, however she's still waking up at 5 am-ish and taking a bottle at 11 pm. I feel a little nervous since Mike's going back to work next Monday but sleep will come hopefully soon! Sleeping is a beautiful thing and I sure miss it. Sean's been wearing a big boy underwear during the day. He is doing very well and has not had any accidents so far. We bought him a new set of underwear today at Gymboree and he's very excited about wearing them. I am a little annoyed that they only make boy's briefs with the rubber waist and those irritate Sean's skin. The set we got him today has more stretchy waist, so hopefully they are ok.

Something happened tonight at the bedtime while I read Sean a book about a little mouse. I asked him what is happening on a particular page and he was able to explain to me using the words I've never heard him use before. That proves that; 1) he is understanding what I am reading; 2) he knows far more words than I previously believed! So that is very exciting. He is starting to say "yeah" more and it is more pleasant to talk to him. We are patiently waiting for him to flourish verbally and I think we are seeing some positive signs!


Two Little Bugs and a Bichon said...

I honestly do not know how you survive with four. You are my hero!!!! THe kiddos just keep getting cuter!!!

Machelle said...

YAY on big boy undies!!!! No more diapers for that little man! Congrats on the reader as well!

Holtan-Bates family said...

Kimi! You are the energizer bunny! Can't imagine how you do 4, 3 seems to keep me super busy! Congrats on all the new and big things in your house! Sean will no doubt be talking you ear of soon. Like they say, we spend the first years trying to get them to walk and talk and the next 18 trying to get them to be quite and sit down! LOL! I'll miss seeing you this summer but boy do I understand! :)