Saturday, August 8, 2009

This week some signs

Saya is getting cuter everyday!
Aly after a storm, she's like a tropical rain!
Aly not happy about something
The Kiss

We are finally seeing some signs of Sean and the twins' ne
w amicable alliance forming. They play together more and Sean shares his toys with them more often. Twins now have a freedom to wonder around the house freely, including the staircase, so they are much happier. You would think they are more tired but then Alyson for some reason has been fighting her one and only nap in the afternoon and wouldn't sleep willingly at night, either. She'd cry and cry and we don't know what is bothering her. Thought it might be teething and we have given her Mortrin, but it doesn't help. I am hoping it is just a phase and she will outgrow it very soon.

Sean's talking more. We asked him which Wiggles song he likes and he mumbled a song title. We didn't know which one, so we asked him to sing it for us and he did. It was really cute. I think he is finally getting the enjoyment out of conversing with us and it is a HUGE step. We are so excited for his new interest and have a strong feeling that his speech will improve very quickly from now.

Saya is laying on the couch now, looking around. I don't remember twins nor Sean letting me have some quiet time like this. She's a very good baby. She is just round and soft and one of those that make people go "awwweee".

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