Saturday, August 8, 2009

Take me out to the ball game~

You gotta do the wave~
Ichiro in the background on the right

After this inning, things went sour!
Sorry Mike!

We went to our first Mariners game tonight, Mariners vs. Tampa Bay. We parked in Chinatown and walked over to Safeco Field. I was so excited to see the real major league baseball because baseball is very big in Japan. And of course, we can see live Ichiro for the first time!! We took the binocular to take a better look at the players, however forgot my camera!! I had a little tantrum at the stadium when I realized I left the camera behind at home!! After all, we don't get to do stuff like this very often and I wanted to capture everything!! Luckily Mike's cell phone has a camera, so it worked out ok in the end, although the quality is not very good. Mariners lost quite badly, but we had a great time. We did the wave, had $9 beers, booed, did the Ichiro chant and perhaps managed to be in the fan cam as the guys right behind us were on it. Couldn't ask for more - all for free thanks to Microsoft! Amy had a hard time with Aly as she was up until 10 pm but the house was nice and quiet when we got home at 11 pm. Thanks Amy!!

By the way, Ichiro was very cool! He runs cool, he swings cool, that guy's just blessed. Mike and I were saying even his back of the neck's cool and looks so clean cut. Ok, we sound like creepy groupies...

1 comment:

Machelle said...

We are the Tampa Bay Fans!! My husband is from St. Pete. so that is our team. Glad you had a great time!