Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Saya's New Milestones

For the past 5 days or so, Saya has started to make this interesting sound, almost as if saying "hey what about me?" which Mike compares to the noise of cat fighting. Mike and I looked at each other and asked "was that Saya?" Our little quiet princess is starting to show her personality. She also almost rolled over from back to tummy today. Her arm was stuck and she was frustrated by that. When I leave her on the floor, she turns 180 degrees in like a minute! As you can see in the photo above, she likes to stand on our knees. She stands pretty solidly and we only use our arms to balance her body. She's a very strong girl.
I finally ran to Target right before their closing time tonight and bought a breast pump because Saya's been boycotting my boobs today (I think due to the iron supplement I am taking, which I am assuming makes the breast milk taste different). I will stop taking the iron supplement as I think is probably too much for me anyway. Hopefully the taste returns to normal for her tomorrow. She's not a fan of formula, either, so she's been hungry pretty much all day. Poor thing.

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