Monday, September 28, 2009

Sickly Kids

Dress Rehearsal for preschool!? -- wearing backpack
Another Bumbo pic of Saya!
Sisters looking surprised

The first fall sickness is taking a visit to our house and the twins, especially Noah, are snotty dotty tots. Saya was sick for one day with congestion but thanks to nursing, she's recovered very quickly. Sean, the very person who had brought home the germ, didn't even lose a minute of sleep over it.
When Noah gets snotty, he wakes up during the night because he cannot breathe. So, we strap him on his rocking chair and he sleeps sitting. We also put on the humidifier with vics vapor for coughs. So far he hasn't woken up during the night. Whatever works!! The summer in the Pacific NW may have ended. It's much cooler now and I see many trees changing colors. While we reflect on this year's very short summer, we are looking forward to Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas to make fun memories.

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